citizens have more say in political change
citizens make a difference in public policy
Their representatives would begin to vote in a way that reflects their desires :) You're welcome ^-^
Less Likely To Participate in Community Activities
citizens attending public meetings of elected officials -Coscu
increasing citizens' in politics by encouraging them to see opposing parties as the enemy making voting simpler by indicating what positions candidates associated with the party are likely to late motivating citizens to take action on political issues
It is part of the civil war amendments written in 1867. The 15th makes exslaves citizens.
socialist-apex :)
In the United States, citizens often write to their elected officials. This behavior is encouraged in the democratic process, and assistants to the officials often make responses to these letters.
Fewer citizens borrow money to buy houses or cars
Your purpose for reading
Yes, a lively classroom situation is likely to be provided that all the students and teachers participate in the classroom environment.
It was most likely included to emphasize a dangerous situation.
Sure: My actions at the Alamo are justified as is my participation in them!
Predicting what will happen
What is the most likely way the citizens of California can have their views better represented
Yes. If the parents sign their consent it is likely that the court will allow the guardianship after the situation has been evaluated.Yes. If the parents sign their consent it is likely that the court will allow the guardianship after the situation has been evaluated.Yes. If the parents sign their consent it is likely that the court will allow the guardianship after the situation has been evaluated.Yes. If the parents sign their consent it is likely that the court will allow the guardianship after the situation has been evaluated.
Aristotle defined rhetoric as the most likely means of persuasion in any situation.
as leaders of city states they saw art aquisitons as a way to improve their status.
Less Likely To Participate in Community Activities