i am concerned that there is too much corruption in government
I am concerned that my local rivers are too polluted.
"I feel Congress is not doing enough to address environmental problems."
I care deeply about campaign finance reform- apex
i want politicians to make more of an effort for LGBT rights
There are primary variables that predict the likelihood of joining an interest group. The primary variables are a higher income and a higher level of education.
for a sense of belonging to the group
5.1.4-Speaker 3
FEDECOR is a public interest group
interest group
There are primary variables that predict the likelihood of joining an interest group. The primary variables are a higher income and a higher level of education.
Learn skills
four ways in which someone may benefit from joining girlguide
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
A large number of interest groups of all sizes. (Novanet)
The function of the speaker it to talk about the topic for which s/he was engaged, or to the common interest of the group. If you mean an electronic device , a speaker is to amplify sound.
The function of the speaker it to talk about the topic for which s/he was engaged, or to the common interest of the group. If you mean an electronic device , a speaker is to amplify sound.
for a sense of belonging to the group
Public-interest groups work for the benefit of all citizens.
citizens can affect policies without running for office