its important that constitution include a Bill of Rights
Speaker 3: It's important that the Constitution include a bill of rights.
The Speaker of the House is elected by a majority vote from his/her fellow members of the House.
Constitution states .. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker
Represenatives, other Officers and Speaker.
The speaker of the house gets chosen by a vote of the members of the house. The constitution does NOT require that the speaker be an elected member of congress.
Speaker 3: It's important that the Constitution include a bill of rights.
speaker of the house
The Speaker of the House is elected by a majority vote from his/her fellow members of the House.
The Great Peacemaker, Dekanawidah.
the house speaker
Constitution states .. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker
Represenatives, other Officers and Speaker.
The Speaker of the House is chosen from the party that holds the majority of elected members in the House. The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.
Well, the main speaker was Madison, who ended up writing the Constitution. Even though Washington was techinally in charge, he did absolutley nothing on the matter.
Article 1, section 2, of the US Constitution, establishes this office.
The constitution says the Speaker of the House then becomes the President.