California has the hightest number of state represtentatives, 53 to be exact.
In respect to American government, the sole factor in determining the number of representatives that each state is entitled to have in the House of Representatives is the population of each state in question. While each state is entitled to at least one representative in the House, additional representatives are allotted based on the census-counts of state-populations, with the total number of representatives fixed at 435 in total.
The number of representatives per state in the house depends on the state's population. States with the lowest population has only one representative in the house, while California which is the most populous state, has 53 representatives.
The House of Representatives was created so that each state could have apportioned representation. The Senate has a set 100 members, 2 for each state. The House of Representatives has a certain number of members for each state depending on the population. Smaller states has a minimum of 3.
The number of senators is in the Constitution: every state has 2 senators.
The number of house of representatives in a state depends on the population.
The population of the state determines the number of Representatives.
The number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives from each state is based on the population in each state. The number of representative in the U.S. House of Representatives is fixed at 435. Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau takes a census of the population in each state. The 435 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives is then reapportioned among the 50 states based on the population in each state.
The number of Representatives from each state is based on the population of that state.
The population of a state.
The state that began with the most number of representatives in the House of Representatives is Virginia. When the House was first established, Virginia had the largest population among the states, and therefore was allocated the most representatives.
The House of Representatives' number depends on the population of each state. The more populous the state is, the more representatives to the House of Representatives they have. The Senate is comprised of two senators from each state regardless of the state's population.
Texas has 32 seats which is the second highest number behind California in the US.
There are 101 State Representatives.