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A republic

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Q: Which term best defines a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf?
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What is Rome's government?

Rome's government began with the overthrow of the Etruscans in 509 B.C.E. The Roman's then established a republic. It is a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf.

What ia another name for indirect democracy where citizens elect representatives who decide policies on their behalf?

Representative democracy is another name for indirect democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions and policies on their behalf.

What is indircet deocracy?

Indirect democracy means citizens elect representatives to make laws on their behalf.

What form of government do delegates speak on behalf of citizens?

A Republic

How are decisions Made an indirect democracy?

In an indirect democracy, eligible citizens vote for representatives who vote for decisions on their behalf.

How are decisions made in indirect democracy?

In an indirect democracy, eligible citizens vote for representatives who vote for decisions on their behalf.

When People have the highest participation rate in this type of government.?

People have the highest participation rate in a direct democracy, where citizens directly vote on policies and decisions rather than electing representatives to do so on their behalf.

Which statement is true about representative democracy?

people who disagree with the government can generally run for office themselves.

What type of government in which a citizen elected group run the government?

A citizen-elected group running the government typically refers to a democratic form of government, where representatives are elected by the people to make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for the participation of citizens in decision-making processes and ensures that the government is accountable to the people.

Does Britain use democracy?

Yes, Britain uses a form of representative democracy with a parliamentary system of government. This means that citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf in Parliament.

A government in which citizens choose a smaller group to govern on their behalf?

A representative democracy

What does the Auckland City Council do?

The Auckland City Council have representatives that come from different wards to represent the opinions of citizens. These people will make choices with consent from the mayor on behalf of its citizens.