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Divine Right Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created by divine power.

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Q: Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was created by divine power?
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Four theories of the origins of government?

Evolution Theory, Force Theory, Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was created when people use violence to compel others?

Force Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created when people used violence to compel others.

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Divine rights had little influence of the American system?

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was first imposed by force?

The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.

What is divine right theory?

Government created by God, and God chose Government leaders

Which theory about the origin of government holds that government was created when people used violence to compel others?

Force Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created when people used violence to compel others.

Which theory about the origins of government holds that governments was created as an extension of family ties?

It is not Evolution Theory it's contract theory

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The contract theory holds that government was created by a mutual agreement among the members of society.

Which theory of government claims that the king connects the heavens and the earth?

the divine right theory

Theory about the origins of government holds that government was created by divine power?

In the context of the American Revolution, yet true throughout the history of western civilization, it is the "Divine Right" socio-political theory that holds certain kinds of government to be divinely ordained, that is, favored and sanctioned. Under this theory, kings and queens and other elite rulers are claimed to deserve positions of leadership in society because it is the will of God and intended for humanity's benefit while living in this world.

What theory about the origins of government holds that government was created when members of society got together and agreed to form a government?

John Locke, Two Treatises on Government.

What theory about the origins of government holds that government was created when members of society got together and agreed to form government?

john Locke, Two Treatises on Government.