George Washington (both times) and James Monroe (in 1820)
Yes. At least President Barack Obama has, although he was only the Democratic Presidential Candidate at the time.By attend, do you mean visited or has been to the Colorado School of Mines? Because he certainly didn't "attend" as in having been enrolled as a student at the school.
By having officials work Behind the Scenes, ping pong diplomacy allowed diplomats to conduct negotiations without public or political pressure.
John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt had well-documented love affairs while they were President. Woodrow Wilson had a very close female friend that he wrote to, but may have been faithful to his wife in the strict sense. Other presidents had affairs but I think they were all broken off by the time they were President.
Having the ability to veto a congressional bill is an example of a president's executive power. It is also a demonstration of the separation of powers as well as checks and balances.
Having the ability to veto a congressional bill is an example of a president's executive power. It is also a demonstration of the separation of powers as well as checks and balances.
having complete control over a marketplace, without any competition.
They are having a competition
Unless you win it in a competition,unfortunately no
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, George H.W Bush
A monopoly is an industry or business having no competition.
Margot Frank died in Bergen-Belsen shortly after her nineteenth birthday without ever actually having been on a date or having a serious boyfriend.
Jhon kendy
having the most babies.
Being sent to jail is the most serious penalty for not having a Visa. However, before jail time, typically, a person without a Visa is just fined.
A fundamental niche is when a species can live without having to deal with competition or predation. An example of this would be a raccoon living in the woods and eating insects and fruit.