The House of Representatives originates the revenue legislation. The Senate then has the opportunity to Approve or Amend.
The senate must give its approval by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
Harry Reid!
Explained by James Madison, the Senate's role is to protect the people against their rulers.
The president pro tempore serves as the head of the senate in place of the vice president- APEX
He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.
any1 whos kool
The role that the senate has in the impeachment process is sole power to try-to judge, sit as a court-in impeachment cases.
He didn't belive jkjk whos that?
The role that the senate has in the impeachment process is sole power to try-to judge, sit as a court-in impeachment cases.
The Senate's elected leader, known as the president pro tempore, presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President. Typically he will cede this role to junior members who will practice the formal parliamentary procedure of the Senate.The position is separate from the leaders of each party in the Senate, known as the Majority Leader and Minority Leader, and by custom is a senior member of the Senate.
the military doesnt have a role. hope this answers your question.
The Constitution gives the vice president the role of presiding over the Senate, and voting in the Senate if there is a tie.
whats up?
whats up?