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Jefferson did. He expressed Locke's philosophy in the Declaration of Independence.

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Q: Who agreed with John Locke?
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It can be assumed that John Locke agreed with what principle of the US democracy system?

I think you have it backwards, but that the United States democracy is based on the philosophy of Locke so the constitution agreed with Locke.

What would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

John Locke would most likely have agreed with the idea of natural rights, the importance of individual liberty, and the concept of limited government.

Which of these statements would enightement thinker john Locke most likely have agreed with?

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What statements would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

John Locke would likely have agreed with statements promoting individual rights, the idea of a social contract between government and citizens, and the belief that government exists to protect people's natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

What issue did John Locke and Thomas Jefferson agree on?

They agreed on Natural Rights (life liberty and the pursuit of happiness)

Who agreed with Locke?

Jefferson did. He expressed Locke's philosophy in the Declaration of Independence.

Which of these statements would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

John Locke would most likely have agreed with the statement that individuals have natural rights that governments should protect, such as life, liberty, and property. Locke believed in the social contract theory, where people agree to establish a government to protect their natural rights.

How did John Locke James Otise and Alexander Hamilton contribute to the Declaration of Independence?

They had a pice of paper and agreed and argue alot

Who believed that all men are born free and are basically good?

john Locke

What are the names of John Locke's parents?

John and Anne Locke.

What was John Locke's country?

John Locke was from England.

Which American founder base their new governments on the ideas of this enlightenment philosopher?

john Locke