By definition, Afrikaners speak Afrikaans.
Yes, Afrikaners antecedents were boers.
Yes, Afrikaners antecedents were boers.
There are no such things as Afrikaners. They do not exist. there are indiginous people from the South of Africa who are Africans. Dutch people are Afrikaners (false)
The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.
No. Afrikaners are Boers, South Africans of Dutch ancestry. Afrikaans is their language.
South Africa
Brandy and Coke.
South Africa.
South Africa.
Afrikaners are primarily from South Africa. They are descendants of the Dutch, German, French Huguenot, and other European settlers who arrived in the Cape of Good Hope in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, Afrikaners are one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa.