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Any such list of potential VP nominees is extremely speculative and depends largely on which of the two candidates eventually receives the nomination. Also keep in mind that whichever get the nomination may choose the other as their VP in order to unite the party. That said, here are some potential names on the short list:

Ret. General Wesley Clark

Senator Jim Webb

Governor Bill Richardson

Former Senator John Edwards

Governor Janet Napolitano

Governor Kathleen Sebelius

Senator Joe Biden

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Q: Who are some of the favorites for the VP nomination in the Democratic Party?
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What country doesn't have a democratic government?

Absolute monarchiesBruneiOmanQatarSaudi ArabiaSwazilandTheocraciesStates based on a state religionIran[1] (to some degree)Vatican CityOne-party statesPeople's Republic of China (Communist Party) (list)Cuba (Communist Party) (list)Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)(Workers' Party) (list)Laos (Revolutionary Party) (list)Syria (Arab Socialist Ba'th Party) (list)Turkmenistan (Democratic Party) (list)Vietnam (Communist Party) (list)Military junta statesFiji (until 2010)LibyaMyanmarNigerGuinea

When did the Democratic Party change from right-wing to left-wing?

In approx. 1932. From 1860-1932, the Democratic Party represented the Southern States (which were conservative) while the Republican Party represented the Northern States. The Republicans were a mix, some were fairly liberal (or progressive) such as Theodore Roosevelt, others were fairly conservative, such as Calvin Coolidge. The Great Depression led to power being transferred to the Democratic Party, which became the party of Franklin Roosevelt. Opponents of Roosevelt joined the Republicans. Although Roosevelt kept the Democratic Party's firm support from the South, Southerners would gradually move over to the Republicans.

Did thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson's ideas lead to the founding of the democratic party?

Andrew Jackson was the leader of the first Democratic Party. Its main purpose was to elect Jackson president. It was more attuned to Jefferson's ideas than to Adams and made some claims to Jeffersonian democracy. The party split up and died before the Civil War. After the war ended, a new Democratic Party formed to oppose the Republicans.

When did the Democratic-Republican Party break up?

The Democratic-Republican Party didn't die, in the sense that they simply faded as the Federalists had; they actively split the party into two new parties (National Republicans and Democrats) after the Presidential election of 1824 because of major ideological differences that became intolerable to members of the Democratic-Republicans. Some became National Republicans, who were similar to the earlier Democratic-Republican Party, and some became Democrats, who shared more in common with the old Federalist party.

When was the federalist party created?

The Federalist party first became a factor in the 1796 presidential election. The political views that motivated this party were around when the Constitution was being drawn up some 10 years earlier.

Related questions

What are some political parties?

Republican party, democratic party, communist party, green party, constitutionalist party, etc.

Why Democratic Party instead of Democrat Party?

The correct term is Democratic Party because it reflects the party's commitment to democracy and the principles of democratic governance. It is a more accurate representation of the party's values and ideology. "Democrat Party" is often used by critics in an attempt to diminish or belittle the party.

Was Hillary Clinton the first women nominated for president?

She was not nominated , but she entered primaries and made a serious campaign for the Democratic nomination. No woman has ever been nominated for president by a major party. There have been some women who ran as protest candidates with no hope of winning.

When was the democratic and the Republican parties started?

After Andrew Jackson's election in 1828, his party became known as the Democratic party.

What happens at the Primaries?

They: 1) Choose some or all of a State party organization's delegates to their party's national convention, and/or 2) Expressed a preference among various contenders for their party's Presidential nomination.

What are some Democratic Party characteristics?

Some characteristics of the Democratic Party include that they are more liberal, pro-choice, and lean toward more government help and programs. They believe power should flow upward.

What political parties survived into the 1860s?

Some political parties that survived into the 1860s in the United States included the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Whig Party also existed in the early 1860s before eventually collapsing.

What are some U.S. political parties that begin with the letter D?

The Democratic Party

What group is most likely to support the Democratic Party?

It is difficult to say, since the Democratic party is comprised of a wide spectrum of views. Most Republicans assume that all Democrats are liberals. While that is true of some members of the party, there are also some who are moderate, some who are pragmatic, and even some who are conservative. Generally, people who are liberal do support the Democratic party, but so do a number of other groups. (And it should be noted that there are even some liberals or moderates in the Republicans Party too.)

What happens at the state primaries?

They: 1) Choose some or all of a State party organization's delegates to their party's national convention, and/or 2) Expressed a preference among various contenders for their party's Presidential nomination.

Who is a Democrat?

Anybody can be a member of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, like the Republican Party is made up of the 50 Democratic Parties in the individual states, and Puerto Rico. To join the local Democratic Party is usually a function of state law. Some states have party registration, other states have an "open primary" if you vote in the Democratic primary you are a member of the party. If you want to be a member forever of either party, just send them some money. People who are Democrats are people who believe in democracy. People who are Democrats are people who believe in a wide range of issues including the advancement of labor and labor organizations, women's rights, civil rights, public education, and the worth of government in society. The Democratic Party is a "Big Tent," meaning they have a large number of constituencies and interests who work together.

Is Democrat a Democrat?

Anybody can be a member of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, like the Republican Party is made up of the 50 Democratic Parties in the individual states, and Puerto Rico. To join the local Democratic Party is usually a function of state law. Some states have party registration, other states have an "open primary" if you vote in the Democratic primary you are a member of the party. If you want to be a member forever of either party, just send them some money. People who are Democrats are people who believe in democracy. People who are Democrats are people who believe in a wide range of issues including the advancement of labor and labor organizations, women's rights, civil rights, public education, and the worth of government in society. The Democratic Party is a "Big Tent," meaning they have a large number of constituencies and interests who work together.