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People who are represented by members of the law making body are called constituents.

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Q: Who are the people who are represented by members of the law making body?
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Which law making body were English colonists were not represented by?


Why does California need both state senators and state assembly members when their job function appears to be the same?

It is for the same reason that the people are represented by both Congressmen and Senators: so that each body of officials can keep a check on the other in order for the state legislature (law-making body) to work more effectively.

English colonists were not represented in which law-making body?


Which body of the US government has 100 members?

The US Senate has 100 members, with each state being represented by two senators.

The English colonists were not represented in which law-making body?

tHE COLOY'S COUNCIL pARLIAMENT the colony assembly colonist were not represented in any of these bodies 1 of them is correct lol e

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The sole legislative body in Jamaica is the bicameral Parliament of Jamaica.

What contributes to making the federal reserve an independent policy making body?

members of board of governors are appointed for 14 terms

What part of your government is based on parliament?

The legislative or law-making branch- which is represented in the US by the Senate ( upper House- l00 members) and the House of Representatives- lower House- about 400 Plus members) In Soviet Russia, of all places you had the Duma ( people"s assembly, roughly) and the Presidium. Presidium made up mainly of high Party and Armed Forces officials such as Generals, Admirals, KGB directors, etc. neither body was elective in the American sense.

What do roman senates have in common with US senates?

Very little. The Roman senate was not an elected body. Its members came for the the city's oligarchy. It did not vote on bills. This was done directly by the people in popular assemblies. It represented the conservative interests and privileges of the top elites.

What contributes to the federal reserve being an independent policy-making body?

members of board of governors are appointed for 14 terms

How many people are in the Legislative body in Maryland?

The are 188 members including 47 State Senators and 141 members of the House of Delegates.