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The Acropolis is a natural geographic formation, used as a fortress in prehistoric Greek times. Later it became the citadel of Athens; the city-within-a-city in which Athenian defenders might fall back to and possibly make a heroic last stand if the wall of Athens had been breached. As the Athenian Empire prospered, the Acropolis lost its military significance, and the Athenian soldier-statesman Pericles was responsible for the magnificent temples built on it. [ has claimed that dinosaur bones had to be cleared from the Acropolis before the temples could be built. The ancients had no knowledge of dinosaurs, so they were referred to as "giant bones."]

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Q: Who buit Acropolis?
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What was the fortified hill constructed in greek cities for protection called?

Acropolis is the center of the city. Acropolis is the center of the city.

Why were city-states formed in Ancient Greece?

When the Greek nomadic tribes seized land to settle on and become agricultural, the tribes took patches of river plains surrounded by mountains, establishing a citadel and then a city as the centre of the tribal patch. A city defended its territory from others, and so the independent city-state became the basis of the Greek world. When the cities sent out their growing surplus population which could not be sustained a city's limited land, they in turn seized a patch of land around the Mediterranean and more cities grew up, eventually numbering a couple of thousand.

What was ramesses ll known for?

Principally his "Ramesseum" or Museum to Ramesses. His name is a title really. It means "The Moses of Ra". Moses is an Egyptian word for 'born of the river' or something like that. Egyptologists guess these things but we know Moses of Israel was named that way by the Egyptian royal princess who found Moses. She was probably a daughter of Amenemhat I or II of the 12th dynasty. But Ramesses II of Egypt really lived much later in around 650 BC. Officially, Egyptologists say he ruled Egypt in circa 1250 BC. A hundred years ago they said he ruled Egypt in 1500 BC. That was because he was assumed to be pharaoh of Egypt when Moses led Israel out of Egypt at the Great Exodus of 1485 BC (The Bible's effective date for Exodus). Internal problems with Egyptian chronology then forced Egyptologists to shift Ramesses from 1500 BC to 1250. Theologians then complied and shifted Moses of Israel from 1485 BC (when he was 80 years old) to 1250 BC. However, the Egyptologists dates are wrong by 500 to 600 years for the 18th and 19th dynasties. They know this but do not tell the public because of the embarrassment. Tutenkhamen, last king of the 18th dynasty was radio-carbon dated to 800 BC not 1300 BC. Since objects like his were found in completely uncontaminated tombs, the carbon dating results for Tutenkhamen are regarded as about the only truly reliable dates we have and they confirm how erroneous the Egyptian chronology is. Egyptologists are already shifting the dates for the Pyramids from 3000 BC to 2500 BC, although they will have to reduce those dates by another 200 or 300 years. Egyptology is in a crisis like the Banks in 2009. Ramesses II is thus the "Pharaoh Necho" the Bible mentions. The Egyptians would not allow the ramesside kings to name themselves "Pharaoh" which probably means Leader of Africa so they called themselves the "Moses of Ra" suggesting that they were followers of Ra but not necessarily Egyptian. In fact they were probably descendants of Egyptians who had migrated back to Egypt but with Greek as their mother tongue not Semitic. Who these 'ramessides' were is anyone's guess at the moment. When the Jewish scribes of the Bible re-copied the scrolls after returning from Babylon (500 BC), the city of Pithom and the land of Goshen were then known as The City of Ramesses and the Land of Ramesses. However, Jewish refugees had helped re-build Pithom-Ramesses in 600 BC. That meant the scribes could note in Exodus 1:11 that the Israelites "built for Pharaoh the cities of Pithom and Raamses" or "Pithom (Raamses)". This means that the Israelites buit two "Capital cities" for Pharaoh on the same site in two different eras (1500 and 600 BC) NOT two cities in two different sites in the same era (1500 BC). There is a subtle twist one can identify in the Hebrew text. That twist was missed by all the scholars and that's why the dates for Ramesses II and most other Egyptian kings are wrong. The entire political history has to be completely re-written. Obviously Egyptologists cannot bear to think about this and that's why there is so much chaos everywhere because nonsense in one area of knowledge will export itself like cancer to every other area. In effect we should not ask "What was Ramesses II known for?". He is probably the most well-known ancient Egyptian king because he lived only 100 years before Socrates, 200 years before Alexander the Macedonian (Serbian). As an elderly king, he was a contemporary of the great Jewish prophet Jeremiah who named him Necho (or The Brassy One). It's the false date, i.e., When? that is of interest. And therein lies a huge tail of ineptness and false Academy.