---this website tells you everything , 9JN WATTTT. lol AHAHAHAHA, i was just searching my net and found this for that question, ITS BEN AHAHAHAHAHAH funny..
whos the person at the top?
Tower of London, her house? Where she used to live.
If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.
yeah cos it is lefal
The Earth, not sure about who controlled it
the medicine that was used in the Elizabethan times was made out of herbs and spices, in other words were natural.
They used the imperial measuring system in Elizabethan times, like the inch, yard and mile
The best storyteller in Elizabethan times was Shakespeare.
Tower of London, her house? Where she used to live.
In Elizabethan times, I believe all the parts were played by males.
Elizabethan times are called that because it was the time when Elizabeth I was Queen of England.
The item that was over an Elizabethan bed was the spheres/balls.
Its is the the middle-class citizens of Elizabethan times
Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.
in Elizabethan times England had a population of nearly 5 million.