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The Earth, not sure about who controlled it

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Q: What was considered the center of the universe and who controlled it during the Elizabethan times?
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Who controlled the center of the universe during Elizabethan times?

definitely not rats and bacon, maybe god?

Copernicus' calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that is also not the center the universe.?

Copernicus' calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that ______ is also not the center the universe.

What was considered to be the center of the universe back in the old days?

The Earth was considered the centre of the Solar System and the Universe.

Calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that is also not the center the universe?


Who controlled the center of he universe?

No one controls it unless you happen to believe in a deity or deities.

What does the sun mean in Elizabethan times?

If you are asking about the significant events related to the sun, it was in the Elizabethan era that Galileo put forward his assertion that the Earth revolved around the Sun, contradicting also the traditional idea that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

What was the center of the Elizabethan stage?

a circle

What is the center of the univerese?

the universe is isotropic & homogeneous, meaning there is no center. the observable universe has a center, which is the part of the universe we can see. we are at the center of the observable universe.

What is at the center of the univerese?

the universe is isotropic & homogeneous, meaning there is no center. the observable universe has a center, which is the part of the universe we can see. we are at the center of the observable universe.

What the ptolemaic of the universe had in the center of the universe?

This model of the universe placed the Earth at the center of the universe

What was considered the center of the universe in the middle Ages?

It was taught, and considered general knowledge, that the earth was the center of the universe. This went along with the thought that man was superior over all things and that the only thing greater was God, but to communicate with God man had to go to the Church.

Why is the milky way not at the center of the universe?

The universe has NO center