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according to my social studies book...... it says that they sent the olive branch petition.

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Q: Who did the members of the First Continental Congress send their requests to?
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Who did the members of the first continental congress send their requested to?

King George III

Who did the members of the first continental congress send their request to?

King George III

How do you use first continental congress in a sentence?

When the First Continental Congress met in 1774, the members expressed their frustration with King George and his unfair laws.

What is a type of noun is for first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress is a proper noun.

What group formulated a statement explaining the fair relationship between the colonies and Britain?

the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress.

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i think is the members of tyhe continental congress of the united satate

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what was the consequence of the first continental congress

What were the effects of the first continental congress?

The effects of the first continental congress were numerous. First, the members demanded an end to the Intolerable Acts. Also, they called for the organization of militias and the printing of paper money. One more thing they did was they formed the Continental Army to be prepared for war with Britain.

What happened first the first continental congressthe second continental congresscommittees of correspondenceor the Albany congress?

The first continental congress was first.

How many attended the continental congress?

The first Continental Congress consisted of 56 delegates from the 13 colonies. The Second Continental Congress added new members such as John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, James Wilson, Benjamin Franklin and Lyman Hall.

How did patricks Henry's words I am not a Virginian but an American symbolize the importance of the first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress helped unite the separate colonies.

Was Georgia represented at the First Continental Congress?

no, Georgia was not represented at the first continental congress