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Not much if anything at all. It is the US who is heavily in debt to around 30 different countries, oil exporters, and banks.

Its highest debts are to... China, Japan, and Great Britain.

The Public Debt of the US as of 25 Feb 2011 at 12:15:28 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 310,096,388

so each citizen's share of this debt is $45,572.99.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$4.11 billion per day since September 28, 2007.

The US will be heavily in debt for decades.

NOTE: Most of the U.S debt it held and owed to it's own people and financial institutions. Approximately 80% to be exact. The debt to other nations is in the form of Treasuries, which no nation can demand payment on until each Treasury matures. That means that no foreign nation can demand payment until such time that those Treasury bills mature; all mature at different times.

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14y ago

40.6% of it is owed to the Federal Reserve (Which is Part Private Business and Part Federal) and government accounts.

22.7% Is foreign and international - Countries like China, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

The rest is owed to various individuals, corporations, and states.

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14y ago

Around 30 countries plus Oil Exporters,banks e.t.c

The Top 3 it owes to are..



Great Britain

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 25 Feb 2011 at 12:15:28 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 310,096,388

so each citizen's share of this debt is $45,572.99.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$4.11 billion per day since September 28, 2007

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13y ago

Canada and china were in trillions in dept because of bush puting people in the war every so often for oil are troops don't. Even get the new u.s weapons Canada and china do

Before answering and making a fool of yourself, at least do a spell check

and learn to capitalize proper nouns. You've revealed your stupidity.

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13y ago

National Debt.

I Hopee I Helped Youh. ! (:


Thank you

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