The rumor in my family has always been that we funded the American Revolution expecting to be repaid if it turned out that the colonies would gain their freedom from England. However we did not ever receive any credit or any funds replaced when this actually happened. This has always been a family legend. -The Kern Family
During the american revolution the colonists regulated trade and taxes since the American Revolution was precipitated.
AMerican Revolution 2? There was none
The American revolution broke out in the coast of Brittan.
the American revolution is important because it led to the revolutionary war
What was the events and laws of the american revolution in 1763
I believe that the "rich Irish man" who funded the American Revolution did not exist. I agree with the 1st . I have not read about any Irish people assisting with the war financially. plus the Irish presence mostly started just before the Potato famine.
why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American
The American revolution WAS an cataclysmic revolution.
No it is not
Various factors have contributed in France's economic problems prior to the 1789's Revolution, some of the major ones being:Poor agricultural harvestsGrowing costs of the American Revolution (mainly funded by France)Ageing economic system based on social estates
In 2000, the American Cancer Society funded research into a skin patch.
The American Revolution.
American Revolution - for French Revolution - against American Revolution - for French Revolution - against
American. America is a proper noun.
It didn't. The American Revolution was over before the French Revolution began.
Noone owns the American Revolution. The American Revolution was when the united states became free of the redcoats. (britsh)
The American Revolution's compromise was the Treaty of Paris.