The 104th Congress was made up of Republicans with 52 seats to the 48 seats of Democrats. This is according to the link below
He had a large majority of Democrats in Congress -apex
From 1994 until 2006, the Republican Party held a majority in both Houses of Congress. In 2006, that changed when the Democrats took the majority in both Houses.
The majority party controls the standing committees in each house of congress. The U.S. Congress includes the United States House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate.
As of 2014, the current majority vote needed to raise taxes in Congress is two thirds. There are approximately 535 voting members in the United States Congress.
The Whips
The 97th Congress (1981-1983) saw a relatively thin Republican majority in the Senate (53-46, so not enough for the 60% override) and a Democrat majority in the House. In the Senate, Republicans held the majority until 1987. From 1987-1995, the Democrats held control. Republicans regained the majority in 1995, which they held until 2001. The 107th Congress (2001-2003) saw a tie, with the Senate split 50-50. Republicans regaind a majority for the 108th and 109th Congresses (2003-2007), and then the Democrats had the majority in the 110th and will have it in the 111th. In the House, Democrats had the majority through both Reagan and Bush, Sr.'s Presidencies, until the Republicans gained the majority (in both the House and Senate) in 1995 (election of 1994). The Republicans ruled the Senate from 1995-2007. Now, the Democrats havea majority, and the recent election will see their majority through at least until January 2011.
He had a large majority of Democrats in Congress -apex
Republican in both houses. Trent Lott was majority leader in Congress and Republicans had 55-45 majority in Senate.
As of 2013, the majority of Democrats in Congress support marriage equality. The majority of Republicans oppose it.
Majority party
The Democrats have the majority with 257 seats, about 60%.
From 1994 until 2006, the Republican Party held a majority in both Houses of Congress. In 2006, that changed when the Democrats took the majority in both Houses.
Republicans had majority in 2004 but in 2006 Democrats became the majority
This all depends on the Congress and the President. If the president's party has the majority in Congress, he generally works with the majority leaders to get his agenda through Congress. If the president's party is the minority party in Congress, he uses two tools: obstructionism from the minority leadership (the filibuster, and loading up bills with things the majority hates in an attempt to get them tabled), and the veto.
The majority party controls the standing committees in each house of congress. The U.S. Congress includes the United States House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate.