Article I describes the legislative branch. Article I, Section 1 specifically states that "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
Congress is vested with the power to make all laws.
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The legislative powers of the federal government are vested in Congress. They are empowered by the Constitution to make the laws.
its legislative None of the three branches of the federal government is "an exception" to the separation of powers. All three branches are equal.
All legislative powers are vested to Congress. This is outlined in Article I, Section I of the United States Constitution.
All legislative powers lie within Congress. Examples of legislative powers include the ability to collect taxes, regulation of commerce with foreign countries, create tariffs, and bring about impeachment.
The Preamble
the preamble
it shall be invested in a congress
Article I describes the legislative branch. Article I, Section 1 specifically states that "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
Congress is vested with the power to make all laws.
All legislative powers lie within Congress. Examples of legislative powers include the ability to collect taxes, regulation of commerce with foreign countries, create tariffs, and bring about impeachment.
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All powers presidents have: he has to implement laws approved by the legislative; he also has some 'exclusive rights' such as waging war against a country if the legislative cannot approve a formal declaration of war.