Certainly not! Only the Congress can do that.
Congress. The Senate tries impeachments while the House of Represenatives actually impeach. Once the Senate convicts a president or other official of impeachment, their removal from office is immediate.
Only Congress can declare warOnly Congress can impeach (House), try (Senate), and remove office holders, including the President and Supreme Court Justices from office.Only Congress can raise and lower taxes.
Impeachment PowersIt is true that the power to bring impeachment charges lies with the House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives has the power to impeach and the Senate has the power to remove from office.
They can use a recall which is a way for citizens to remove politicians from office.
The impeachment process begins with a bill in the House of Representatives and concludes with a trial in the Senate.
The House of Representatives can impeach a president with a majority and the Senate can remove a president from office with 2/3s of the vote. If actions are unclear or just suspected, they can launch an investigation to get the full details.
The House of Representatives or the Legislative Body.
In order to remove someone from congress, you would have to rely on a process which is called impeachment or a "motion of no confidence". Usually when someone in a congress seat or individual office such as a mayor or governor has been removed, it has been through the individual renouncing his position. As far as presidential goes only 2 presidents has gone through the process. Andrew Johnson in 1867 and Bill Clinton in 1999. Both Process did not remove any of those. as far as to remove the whole congress from office at once, only a military coupe can do that. A citizen could also bring that congressperson to court but it not a very usual method.
Certainly not! Only the Congress can do that.
The legislative branch may remove a member of the executive or judicial branch from office through a process known as impeachment. The actual impeachment is the first step in the process, when the charges are being leveled against the accused official. If convicted on those charges, the official can then be removed from office.
In order to remove presidents that abused their power, Congress was given the power of impeachment. The House of Representatives votes to impeach a president. Once the vote has passed, the president is tried by the Senate. If the president is found guilty by the Senate, he or she is removed from office. Presidents can be impeached for committing treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, or accepting bribes.
The House of Representatives act as the grand jury charging him or her with impeachment and the Senate is then the jury.
The US Congress has this power. The House of Representatives starts the impeachment proceedings but the Senate has the final vote.
The Senate can remove Federal officials from office. The Senate is responsible for initiating an impeachment of a President of the United States. The Senate can also vote to have a member of the Senate removed for misconduct.