Congress (both the House and the Senate)
Source- 9th grade Georgia civics book.
According to Article I, section 8 of the US Constitution, "[The Congress shall have power] To establish Post Offices and Post Roads.
Agency set up my congres (WWll) that had the power to fix rents, set max prices on goods, and set up a rationing system.
Federal system
Someone has to have the power to determine what the words and sentences in constitutions and laws mean and how those words and sentences apply to specific sets of facts and circumstances. Courts were established as the entities having that power.
The division of power in the U. S. political system contributes to limited government in a great way. Due to how our founding father's set up the constitution it allows the government to work for the people and not to control the people.
The states have the power
Postmaster Generalalso, Congress had the poser to set up a postal system.
Agency set up my congres (WWll) that had the power to fix rents, set max prices on goods, and set up a rationing system.
No- postal service is at a Federal level.
Federal system
postal service, military, anything gov.
Chandragupta set up a strong centralized government for his empire. This included a strong army, an internal intelligence system, and a postal service.
Chandragupta set up a strong centralized government for his empire. This included a strong army, an internal intelligence system, and a postal service.
checks and balances.
Sher Shah did so much for contribution of the administrative system in India. During his rule, he set up a new military and civic administration, restructured the postal system and also issued the first Rupiya among others.
Someone has to have the power to determine what the words and sentences in constitutions and laws mean and how those words and sentences apply to specific sets of facts and circumstances. Courts were established as the entities having that power.
That is the US Postal Service, which is a Federal level agency.
The Checks and Balances system set up in the US constitution.