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The United States district courts hears cases involving two states. The last court to hear the case would be the Supreme Court.

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Q: Who hears a case involving two states first?
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The supreme court has original jurisdiction in cases involving what?

Section 2 of Article III of the constitution sates:"In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction."The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases involving two states, and cases involving ambassadors, consuls, or other public ministers.This is not to be confused with appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction is when the court hears the case first. Appellate jurisdiction is when the court hears an appeal from another court of original jurisdiction.

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Federal courts hear cases with federal jurisdiction. Such jurisdiction comes if the case hears a question of federal law or if the case has diversity jurisdiction (parties are citizens of different states and minimum dollar amount is in dispute.)

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It's decided by location. The court in Chicago hears cases for northern Illinois, the court in Los Angeles hears cases for central Califirnia, etc.

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original jurisdiction. Verdict.

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Section 2 of Article III of the constitution sates:"In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction."The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases involving two states, and cases involving ambassadors, consuls, or other public ministers.This is not to be confused with appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction is when the court hears the case first. Appellate jurisdiction is when the court hears an appeal from another court of original jurisdiction.

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The court that will hear a case involving a dispute between the United States and Japan on the price of cars sent to America is the Supreme Court.

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supreme court

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africans kidnapped by the spanish and brought to the united states

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affirm the decision

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If you are here illegally in the first place - it is highly unlikely.

When a case goes immediately to the US Supreme Court what kind of jurisdiction is invoked?

When a case goes immediately to the US Supreme Court, the jurisdiction invoked is the Court's original jurisdiction. This means that the case is being brought directly to the Supreme Court without going through lower courts. Generally, the Supreme Court exercises its original jurisdiction in cases involving disputes between states, certain cases involving foreign ambassadors, and cases where a state is a party and the Court has granted permission to hear the case.