The president gets help from the congress. He also gets help from his cabinet secretaries who head the major departments of the federal government and from the thousands of employees who work for these departments. He gets general help from his White House staff. He gets military advice from the generals and admirals who make up the chiefs of staff.
the main duty of the executive branch is to carry out the laws
The US president puts forward a bill to House of Representatives then it goes to the Senate if it passes through both of these houses it is then signed by the president. Then it goes before the Supreme Court who check to make sure it is constitutional. Then the police or FBI enforce the law by bring offenders before courts for sentences.
The President of the United States, who currently (in 2013) is Barack Obama, has the responsiblity of carrying out the laws enacted by Congress as interpreted by the Supreme Court.
The President is in the executive branch as well as the Vice President and the Cabinet, they carry out laws and run the affairs of the National Government.( HOPE THIS HELPS! )
the vice president helps the president make laws
The Congress.
the main duty of the executive branch is to carry out the laws
The People of the United States.
Yes, in a way. Congress makes the laws and essentially tells the president how to run the nation. The president is the CEO- his job is to carry out the will of Congress, although he can exert influence on Congress to get them to do what he wants.
Jesus does...
the president and his job is to execute or carry out the laws
The president is the chief executive of the nation. His job is to carry out the laws passed by Congress. To do so, he is at the top of a huge bureaucracy of government workers.
The president approves and carry out laws passed by the legislative branch. If the president does not like the law he veto it.
The president helps us make impotant descions in the country. He/She helps make or disaprove laws, and helps make decisoins for wars.
No. It's the Congress who write the bills. And the president signs the bills. However, the president is in charge of enforcing laws that Congress has made and he has a great deal of leeway in how or if laws are enforced. He issues directives to federal workers on how to interpret and carry out laws. In that sense, he makes laws.
Department of Justice