Backscratchers are likely among the earliest "inventions" by humans. For as long as backs have itched, people (and probably other animals) have looked for good sticks with which to scratch them.
Get a 1 ft ruler and duck tape a fork at the end. it feels great!!
George Washington didn't have a favorite TV show because they weren't invented back then.
Twitter was invented.
No presedent invented it. This guy that was "cool" invented it for it standed forOll Korrect.
they invented it in medieval times.
A back scratcher is a slender rod with a rake-like device on one end, to help someone scratch their own back.
You can make a back scratcher at home from a solid piece of wood. You can shape the back scratcher to your liking by using daily tools and then sand it down with sandpaper. You can also paint or stain it to make it look better.
Get a back scratcher? Or just do like a bear does?
No, but they are a good back-scratcher.
An effect back scratcher can be made from a paint stirrer in three ways. 1. Scratch your back with the stirrer without changing it in any way. 2. Attach a soft scratcher (such as a scrubby) to the stirrer. 3. Carve the end of the stirrer into a usable shape.
Back scratchers are made of bamboo, hardwood, plastic, or even metal. The most popular type of back scratcher is made of wood, and is about 18 inches long. They retail for under $20.
Melon scratcher..Melon = head so melon scratcher is a head scratcher or puzzler.
The term is still two words: back scratcher (something used to scratch your back).
One could purchase a back scratcher at many local retailers (names dependent on location). A back scratcher can also be obtained by purchase on websites such as Amazon, eBay, or BestBuy.
Actually, our great great great grandmother was the first filipino inventor.Her name is Sawsaw Suka...she invented hand scratcher...and her husband invented the feet scratcher...his name is Toyo Datu Puti...
Get a 1 ft ruler and duck tape a fork at the end. it feels great!!
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