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Q: Who invested the capital needed by corporations and chose directors?
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Related questions

Why did corporations arise?

The corporations arise because the massive industries needed more expert management

What is the possessive of the word director?

If it would mean a possession of the directors, an apostrophe is needed. Example: Director's office (singular) Directors' office (plural)

What is a list of the conditions needed for capital mobility in a country?

Stable banks, well developed foreign exchange and financial markets, freedom from strong restrictions on foreign investments, and reasonable assurance that future policies will not endanger invested funds. SK(APEX)

Why did the government changed the capital of Brazil?

They needed the capital to be larger

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Why did people believe national government needed to change?

common people had no power against corporations

Why did people believe the national government needed to change?

common people had no power against corporations

What is pre opening and working capital?

Pre-opening capital is money needed to start a business. Working capital is the money needed to keep a business running. Working capital, hopefully, is gained through the operation of the business as profit.

What is pre-opening and working capital?

Pre-opening capital is money needed to start a business. Working capital is the money needed to keep a business running. Working capital, hopefully, is gained through the operation of the business as profit.

Where did they fire Joe Paterno?

Because the Penn State Board of Directors needed a scapegoat for their short comings.

Why bank established as corporation?

Banks are established as corporations because corporation is formed by number of persons who pool in their resources to enter business for profit. The methods of financing available to such type of organization. The sale of stock and bonds can raise a greater amount of capital which is needed to undertake the business with multifarious functions. Banks, which by their very nature, invest into large amounts of capital. Furthermore, loans are given out for long durations and only an entity with a long tenure could be beneficial in such a case. Corporations then meets this test because of its perpetual life.

How do I use capital in a sentence?

Madrid is the capital of Spain. The company needed to raise more capital in order to expand. A sentence should start with a capital letter.