Al-Mansur, Almanzor or Abu Ja'far Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Mansur (712–775; Arabic: ابو جعفر عبدالله ابن محمد المنصور) was the second Abbasid Caliph. He was born at al-Humaymah, the home of the 'Abbasid family after their emigration from the Hejaz in 687–688. His father, Muhammad, was a great-grandson of 'Abbas; his mother was a Berber woman[1]. He reigned from 754 until 775. In 762 he founded as new imperial residence and palace city Madinat as-Salam, which became the core of the Imperial capital Baghdad. Al-Mansur was concerned with the solidity of his regime after the death of his brother, Abu'l `Abbas, who later become known as-Saffah (the bloodshedder). In 755 he arranged the assassination of Abu Muslim. Abu Muslim was a loyal freed man from the eastern Iranian province of Khorasan who had led the Abbasid forces to victory over the Umayyads during the Third Islamic Civil War in 749-750. At the time of al-Mansur he was the subordinate, but undisputed ruler of Iran and Transoxiana. The assassination seems to have been made to preclude a power struggle in the empire. Al-Mansur certainly saw himself as universal ruler with religious and secular authority. His victory against Nafs az-Zakiya, a Shiite rebel in Southern Iraq and in the Arabian Peninsula further alienated certain Shiite groups. They had been hoping that an 'Abbasid victory would restore the caliphate to the Imamate, and that the rule of the "Al Muhammad", the family of the prophet would begin. But many were disappointed. During his reign, literature and scholarly work in the Islamic world began to emerge in full force, supported by new Abbasid tolerances for Persians and other groups suppressed by the Umayyads. Although the Umayyad caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik had adopted Persian court practices, it was not until al-Mansur's reign that Persian literature and scholarship were truly appreciated in the Islamic world. The emergence of Shu'ubiya among Persian scholars occurred during the reign of al-Mansur as a result of loosened censorship over Persian nationalism. Shu'ubiya was a literary movement among Persians expressing their belief that Persian art and culture was superior to that of the Arabs; the movement served to catalyze the emergence of Arab-Persian dialogues in the eighth century. Al-Mansur also founded the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. Perhaps more importantly than the emergence of Persian scholarship was the conversion of many non-Arabs to Islam. The Umayyads actively tried to discourage conversion in order to continue the collection of the jizya, or the tax on non-Muslims. The inclusiveness of the Abbasid regime, and that of al-Mansur, saw the expansion of Islam among its territory; in 750, roughly 8% of residents in the Caliphate were Muslims. This would double to 15% by the end of al-Mansur's reign. Al-Mansur died in 775 on his way to Mecca to make hajj. He was buried somewhere along the way in one of the hundreds of graves that had been dug in order to hide his body from the Umayyads. He was succeeded by his son, al-Mahdi. According to Shiite sources, the scholar Abu Hanifa an-Nu'man was imprisoned by al-Mansur and tortured. He also had Imam Malik, the founder of another school of law, flogged. (Ya'qubi, vol.lll, p.86; Muruj al-dhahab, vol.lll, p.268-270.)
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The pharaoh who built Abu Simbel was Rameses the second.
Joanne Abu Qartoumy is the current National Womens Political Caucus State of California Director, OC Caucus 2008-present. Joanne Abu Qartoumy is profiled at next to Eunice Schriver Kennedy in the community section of women trailblazers. Joanne was elected as National Executive Secretary to the Palestinian American Congress in 2002-2004 receiving numerous awards and recognition. The Orange County Register produced an article featuring her work in May 2005 entitled "Youth", which can be accessed on the internet along with being a recepient of the Remarkable Women's award from N.A.W.B.O. Joanne Abu Qartoumy is active both locally and internationally serving as a connector for media, business, philanthropy, education, Middle East Peace, the arts, women's rights and solar power.
I am not sure how recent you are seeking, but what comes to mind is the 2004 detainee abuse incident at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, when American soldiers, many of whom were low-ranking and not very experienced, got so caught up in feeling powerful that they began tormenting, humiliating and mistreating the Iraqi detainees, even going so far as to take photographs of themselves next to some of the inmates they were abusing. In Dr. Zimbardo's experiment, he did not expect the "guards," who were college students involved in an experiment, to become brutal towards the "prisoners," fellow classmates in the experiment. And yet, they did engage in humiliation and mistreatment, getting so caught up in feeling powerful that the experiment had to be cancelled. Sadly, the Abu Ghraib situation was not a game, and detainees were in fact severely mistreated. The majority of the soldiers who did it to them were probably not evil people in real life, and yet, with uniforms and authority and no supervision, they turned into brutal taskmasters, capable of hurting others just because they could.
Anwar al-Sadat (December 25, 1918 -- October 6, 1981,) was born in Mit Abu al-Kum, Egypt. He was the third President of Egypt, from 15 October 1970 until 6 October 1981, when he was assassinated. As a leader, he actively played in the field of foreign affairs, in particular, worked towards peace. With a third party mediation of former US president Jimmy Carter, Sadat's 1977 historic visit to Israel and the eventual Israel-Eqypt Peace Treaty won him the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize with Israel's Menachem Begin.Sadat was a senior member of the Free Officers group that overthrew the Muhammad Ali Dynasty in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. He was a close confidant of Gamal Abdel Nasser, whom he succeeded as President in 1970. Sadat also won the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience award September 11, 1991 posthumously. Sadat published In Search of Identity (1978,)and remember Fu_ck off
THERE ARE A TOTAL OF 193 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. HERE ARE THEY WITH THEIR CAPITALS. Afghanistan - Kabul Albania - Tirane Algeria - Algiers Andorra - Andorra la Vella Angola - Luanda Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's Argentina - Buenos Aires Armenia - Yerevan Australia - Canberra Austria - Vienna Azerbaijan - Baku The Bahamas - Nassau Bahrain - Manama Bangladesh - Dhaka Barbados - Bridgetown Belarus - Minsk Belgium - Brussels Belize - Belmopan Benin - Porto-Novo Bhutan - Thimphu Bolivia - La Paz (administrative) Sucre (judicial) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo Botswana - Gaborone Brazil - Brasilia Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan Bulgaria - Sofia Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Burundi - Bujumbura Cambodia - Phnom Penh Cameroon - Yaounde Canada - Ottawa Cape Verde - Praia Central African Republic - Bangui Chad - N'Djamena Chile - Santiago China - Beijing Colombia - Bogota Comoros - Moroni Congo, Republic of the - Brazzaville Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa Costa Rica - San Jose Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro (official) Abidjan (de facto) Croatia - Zagreb Cuba - Havana Cyprus - Nicosia Czech Republic - Prague Denmark - Copenhagen Djibouti - Djibouti Dominica - Roseau Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo East Timor - Dili Ecuador - Quito Egypt - Cairo El Salvador - San Salvador Equatorial Guinea - Malabo Eritrea - Asmara Estonia - Tallinn Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Fiji - Suva Finland - Helsinki France - Paris Gabon - Libreville The Gambia - Banjul Georgia - Tbilisi Germany - Berlin Ghana - Accra Greece - Athens Grenada - Saint George's Guatemala - Guatemala City Guinea - Conakry Guinea-Bissau - Bissau Guyana - Georgetown Haiti - Port-au-Prince Honduras - Tegucigalpa Hungary - Budapest Iceland - Reykjavik India - New Delhi Indonesia - Jakarta Iran - Tehran Iraq - Baghdad Ireland - Dublin Israel - Jerusalem Italy - Rome Jamaica - Kingston Japan - Tokyo Jordan - Amman Kazakhstan - Astana Kenya - Nairobi Kiribati - Tarawa Korea, North - Pyongyang Korea, South - Seoul Kuwait - Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek Laos - Vientiane Latvia - Riga Lebanon - Beirut Lesotho - Maseru Liberia - Monrovia Libya - Tripoli Liechtenstein - Vaduz Lithuania - Vilnius Luxembourg - Luxembourg Macedonia - Skopje Madagascar - Antananarivo Malawi - Lilongwe Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Maldives - Male Mali - Bamako Malta - Valletta Marshall Islands - Majuro Mauritania - Nouakchott Mauritius - Port Louis Mexico - Mexico City Federated States of Micronesia - Palikir Moldova - Chisinau Monaco - Monaco Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar Montenegro - Podgorica Morocco - Rabat Mozambique - Maputo Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon but moving to Pyinmana Namibia - Windhoek Nauru - no official capital; government offices in Yaren District Nepal - Kathmandu Netherlands - Amsterdam New Zealand - Wellington Nicaragua - Managua Niger - Niamey Nigeria - Abuja Norway - Oslo Oman - Muscat Pakistan - Islamabad Palau - Koror Panama - Panama City Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby Paraguay - Asuncion Peru - Lima Philippines - Manila Poland - Warsaw Portugal - Lisbon Qatar - Doha Romania - Bucharest Russia - Moscow Rwanda - Kigali Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre Saint Lucia - Castries Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown Samoa - Apia San Marino - San Marino Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Senegal - Dakar Serbia - Belgrade Seychelles - Victoria Sierra Leone - Freetown Singapore - Singapore Slovakia - Bratislava Slovenia - Ljubljana Solomon Islands - Honiara Somalia - Mogadishu South Africa - Pretoria (administrative) Cape Town (legislative) Bloemfontein (judiciary) Spain - Madrid Sri Lanka - Colombo Sudan - Khartoum Suriname - Paramaribo Swaziland - Mbabana Sweden - Stockholm Switzerland - Bern Syria - Damascus Tajikistan - Dushanbe Tanzania - Dar es Salaam Thailand - Bangkok Togo - Lome Tonga - Nuku'alofa Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain Tunisia - Tunis Turkey - Ankara Turkmenistan - Ashgabat Tuvalu - Funafuti Uganda - Kampala Ukraine - Kyiv United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi United Kingdom - London United States - Washington D.C. Uruguay - Montevideo Uzbekistan - Tashkent Vanuatu - Port-Vila Vatican City (Holy See) - Vatican City Venezuela - Caracas Vietnam - Hanoi Yemen - Sanaa Zambia - Lusaka Zimbabwe - Harare
Abu Jafar Shamsuddin has written: 'Nirbachita galpa'
The second caliph is Abu Jafar :)
It was established by Abu Jafar Al-Mansur, the second Abbasid ruler.
Baghdad Was Built BY Abassid Caliphate Abu Jafar Al-Mansur in 762 A.D
Jamil Almansur Haddad has written: 'Novelas brasileiras' -- subject(s): Brazilian fiction 'A lvares de Azevedo' 'As obras-primas da poesia religiosa brasileira' -- subject(s): Brazilian Religious poetry 'Romance do rio da Guarda' 'Avis aux navigateurs'
Jabir ibn Abd-Allah died in 697.
The antagonists are Jafar and his parrot Iago.
Jafar Jabbarly was born in 1899.
Jafar Zafarani was born in 1947.
Jafar Shahidi was born in 1918.
Jafar Shahidi died in 2008.
Jafar Khan died in 1789.