Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci named the region Venezuela, meaning Little Venice, in 1499. He had seen houses built on stilts along a lakeshore and saw the similarity to the Italian city of Venice. Venezuela comes from local language which was Sanskrit (or derived from Sanskrit) before Spanish conquest. Vanozwala in Sanskrit means a land with shining or beautiful forests and park-like settings for which the country is famous for! This can not be a coincidence!
Leonardo da Vinci because he is a famous inventor and he is smart and popular
Venezuela is a former colony of Spain. The country has more than two thirds of the population living within 100 kilometers of a coastline.
Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Somalia
Spain I think...
believe it or not : = Misdemeanor = other wise known as Missy Eliott is pretty popular in Venezuela.
The Guajira Desert which Venezuela shares with Columbia.
kelly boyd
Margarita Island
it is izabella
The Street of Caracas is the most famous street in Venezuela. This street is famous because of the large number of street gangs who commit a number of crimes.
Jamal Ahmed is the famous artist in israel
A famous aboriginal artist was Albert Namatjira.
Yes, Selma Burke is a famous artist.
Damien Hirst is probably the most famous living artist. Rembrandt is often cited at the most famous artist overall.
Yes. The most famous aboriginal artist was Albert Namatjira.