In the Mughal Empire they governed the empire and led their armies in the name of the Emperor, and they were usually aristocrat's.
The Mansabdars were differentiated by the Zat and the Sawar Rank. The Zat referred to the number of troops maintained by the mansabdar and the Sawar referred to the number of horses maintained by the mansabdar. It was dependent on whether the king ordered the mansabdar to maintain more horses than his rank. The categories are shown below: -No. of Sawar = No. of Zat => 1st Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar = 1/2 the No. of Zat => 2nd Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar < 1/2 the No. of Zat => 3rd Class Mansabdar
The Mansabdars were differentiated by the Zat and the Sawar Rank. The Zat referred to the number of troops maintained by the mansabdar and the Sawar referred to the number of horses maintained by the mansabdar. It was dependent on whether the king ordered the mansabdar to maintain more horses than his rank
The term mansabdar refers to an individual who holds a mansab, meaning a position or rank. The mansabdar brought his cavalrymen,for review, got them registered, their horses branded and then received money to pay them as salary. Mansabdars received their salaries as revenue assignments called jagirs which were somewhat like iqtas.
mansabdars were the patrons who joined mughal services they received their salaries as revenue called jagir mansabdars did not actually reside or administer their jagir thy Only had right to the revenue of their assignment the revenue was collected for them by their servants while the mansabdars themselvs served in the some other part of country.
In the Mughal Empire, mansab was a system of ranking used to determine the status of nobles, while jagir was a land grant given to nobles in exchange for military service. Mansab determined the rank and salary of the noble, while jagir provided them with a source of income and allowed them to maintain a contingent of soldiers.