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The executive branch of the government refers to the President. The President leads the executive branch, which is comprised of his cabinet members.

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Q: Who is an charge of the executive branch?
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What branch is in charge in a presidential democracy?

the president is in charge of the executive branch

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executive branch

Who is in charge of the executeive branch?

The President of the US is in charge of the executive branch of the government.

Who is in charge of executive branch?

the president.

Who is in charge on the executive branch?

the president

What is in charge of the executive branch of government?

The President

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In which branch of government is the president in charge in the United Stares?

The President is in the executive branch as well as the Vice President and the Cabinet, they carry out laws and run the affairs of the National Government.( HOPE THIS HELPS! )

What branch of government is appointnted by the presedenet?

The president is in charge of the executive branch.

Who is in charge of the executive branch in the US?

The President of the United States of America is the leader of the executive branch of the Federal government. The President of the United States of America is elected. Therefore, the current elected leader of the executive branch is Barack Obama. He is the President of the United States of America.

What branch does Governors fall under?

They are in charge of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government (in their state).

Who is the charge of the executive branch at the state level?
