

Who is datu puti?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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He was a figure in Phillippino legend, who is credited with having co-founded pre-Colonial Philippino civilisation. 'Datu' means tribal chief or headman- the legend tells that Datu Puti originally came from Borneo, which was at the time ruled by a dictator called Makatunaw. Puti, along with 9 other Datu's and their wives & children, decided to flee Makatunaw's reign of terror and set sail to colonise new lands, which they did in the traditional Bornean longboats known as barangays. After much voyaging, they eventually made landfall on two islands called Panay and Sinugbuhan (which we now collectively call The Philippines). At the time, the islands were inhabited by the Aeta people, who were ruled by a benevolent chief called Mirakudo. When they first saw the big Borneans wading ashore, the small-statured Aeta were terrified and feared that they were the advance guard of a hostile invasion, but Datu Puti was friendly towards them and made it clear that he and his companions came in peace. Mirakudo at once welcomed them as guests- the Borneans and the Aeta traded items and supplies with each other, and celebrated their new alliance with a lavish feast, at which Datu Puti negociated the sale of uninhabited parts of the islands in which to develop new farming settlements. The new Bornean colony was succesful, and grew established in the following years. Eventually, Datu Puti declared that he wished to return to Borneo to attempt to lead a popular uprising and overthrow Makatunaw- none of his original companions would go with him, so he went alone with his wife & children. He was never seen or heard of again. Nonetheless, he is still remembered fondly across the Philippines to this day, as having been the leader of the founding fathers of the Philippino nation.

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