the U.S. Constitution
if a US President is elected for 2 terms he will serve 8 years unless he resigns, dies, or becomes unable to perform his duties. A vice-president (or other official) who succeeds an elected president may serve for up to 2 years without forfeiting eligibility to two elected terms. So a President can serve a maximum of 10 years under the law set forth in the 22nd Amendment.
Article 2 describes the Executive Branch. It provides the requirements for being president. It also lists the various duties and responsibilities, as well as how the President is to be elected.
President Woodrow Wilson
The hew nation that was brought forth was the United States of America. "brought forth" means "created", "brought into existence", "made to come into being". Lincoln uttered these words in 1863 which was 87 (four-score and seven) years after 1776 when independence was declared. This fragment is part of US President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address,
forth five
No, there is no 80th president. Not yet anyway. 2012 will bring forth the 45th president.
It is referred to as an "agency agreement."
I assume Henry the forth of France was a good king because i did some research about him on Google and found out he was a good king.
Assume the mountain is a cone. Now, go forth and calculate.
No, James Madison was the forth president.
This is one of the few duties set forth for the President in the Constitution. Under Article II Section 3 it states "He [The President] shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."
the U.S. Constitution
if a US President is elected for 2 terms he will serve 8 years unless he resigns, dies, or becomes unable to perform his duties. A vice-president (or other official) who succeeds an elected president may serve for up to 2 years without forfeiting eligibility to two elected terms. So a President can serve a maximum of 10 years under the law set forth in the 22nd Amendment.
He was elected as president for a third and forth term.
Calvin Coolidge was the only president to be born on the 4th of July.
Some companies have several vice-presidents with titles such as first vice-president, second vice-president and so forth.