England has a priminister not a president. It is currently David Cameron.
There isn't a King of the United Kingdom at the moment. Since the 6th February 1952, we have had a Queen, Elizabeth II.
England has been a monarchy from its beginning. The first man to claim to be the king of all England was King Egbert around 800. We did have one of the first revolutions in the 1600's when the king was deposed and beheaded. Within 20 years, though, the monarchy had been restored. Better sensible non-elected monarchs than elected lunatics.
When King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, his younger brother Albert became King George VI (father of the current Queen).
"The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."
The UK shilling is no longer legal tender. However, it was half of a pound sterling or 50 pence. At the current rate (@16 Jul 2011) that is approximately 81 cents.
The current judges on The Voice U.S. are: Usher Shakira Adam Levine Blake Shelton
The King of the UK in 1918 was HM King George V, who is the current Queen's grandfather.
The King in the King's Speech is King George VI, father of the current reigning Queen Elizabeth II of the UK.
George VI, father of the current Queen, Elizabeth II.
Since 1952, the UK has been ruled by a Queen.
The UK does not have a president, current Prime Minister is David Cameron
the current King of Swaziland is King Mswati III. (1986)
The King of The UK
no not now
You can't run for king or queen in the uk. it's given my birth. you have to be born a king or a queen or be in a certain family.
Lil Jon is the current reigning king of crunk.
King's Lynn - UK Parliament constituency - was created in 1298.
King's Lynn - UK Parliament constituency - ended in 1974.