Prophetess Mother Christinah Mokotudi Nku is the founder of St John's Apostolic Faith Mission. Prophet Archbishop Dr P.J Masango as the head of the church. Prophet Archbishop Dr P.T Matsoso is the guardian of the church
Henry II
Woodrow Wilson was the first president to earn a Ph.D. He was the 28th United States president who served in this office from 1913 to 1921. He received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1886.
Interesting things:+ He established World Youth Days and celebrated 19 of them.+ He proclaimed 1,338 Blesseds+ He canonized 482 Saints+ He made Thérèse of the Child Jesus a Doctor of the Church+ He wrote. + 14 Encyclicals. + 15 Apostolic Exhortations. + 11 Apostolic Constitutions. + 45 Apostolic Letters. + 5 Books+ He added the Luminous Mysteries to the RosaryAnother AnswerOn the positive side, he issued apologies for:The legal process on Galileo Galilei, around 1633 (31 October 1992).Catholics' involvement with the African slave trade (9 August 1993).The Church Hierarchy's role in burnings at the stake and the religious wars that followed the Protestant Reformation (May 1995).The injustices committed against women, the violation of women's rights and the historical denigration of women (10 July 1995, in a letter to "every woman").The inactivity and silence of many Catholics during the Holocaust ( (16 March 1998).Catholic sex abuse cases (20 November 2001), email from a laptop in the VaticanThe Church-backed "Stolen Generations" of Aboriginal children in AustraliaThe behaviour of Catholic missionaries in China in colonial times.And on the negative side, he has been criticised for:not recognising the full severity of the sex abuse cases until they erupted in America in 2002.hindering the investigation into the charges of sexual immorality levelled against Father Marcial Maciel Degollado.allowing diocesan bishops to transfer pedophile priests from one parish to another instead of reporting their crimes to the authorities.hindering Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) who allegedly was attempting to prevent sex abuse.providing safe haven for several of the most egregiously negligent prelates, such as Cardinal Bernard Law, who had been forced to testify before a grand jury concerning his gross negligence in failing to address rampant homosexual predation of young boys by priests in the Archdiocese of Boston.
Fort Caroline is the oldest fort in the United States. It is located in Jacksonville, Florida, on the bank of the St. Johns River.
President Woodrow Wilson graduated from Princeton University (which was then called College of New Jersey), and then attended law school at the University of Virginia Law School. He also earned his doctorate from John Hopkins University. He went on to become the president of Princeton University.
he was and invester and founder of the johns Hopkins hospitals and universities
Val Johns's birth name is Valjean Johns.
Daniel Johns's birth name is Daniel Paul Johns.
Margo Johns's birth name is Jessie Margaret Johns.
Cort Johns's birth name is Cort Maclean Johns II.
Hugh Johns's birth name is Hugh Richard Lewis Johns.
Stratford Johns's birth name is Alan Edgar Stratford-Johns.
Johns Hopkins
Barbara Rose Johns died in 1991
most definetely she is johns offspring
Johns Hotel was created in 1892.