No US president ever died from a duel. In fact, I believe that Andrew Jackson was the only president who actually fought in duel and the duels occurred many years before he was president. Alexander Hamilton, who was not a President, but one of the Founding Fathers, did die from a duel.
Calvin coolidge A+LS
Grover Cleveland was president in 1888, 100 years after Washington was elected. Benjamin Harrison was president in 1889, 100 years after Washington took office. The Centennial Exposition in 1876 in Philadephia was the first World's Fair in the US and took place when Grant was President.
Teapot Dome Scandal
The front of the US $100 bill shows a picture of Benjamin Franklin. He was a Founding Father, scientist, philosopher, diplomat, and essayist but never served as President.
Jefferson was not involved in any duels. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton were.
Andrew Jackson .
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
there are no cheats on duels.
You can have duels with your friends on
Shadowrun Duels was created in 2003.
You may know more than I do about his duels, but I can only think of two, one which he instigated and in which he killed his opponent and another in which both men agreed to fire their shots into the air.
Before he was President, Jackson was engaged in several duels, killing one man and almost dying himself.
Andrew Jackson is an interesting president in that he is subject to much folk lore. Most sources agree that Jackson participated in 13 duels over his lifetime, and killed only one man, Charles Dickinson.
The 2011 Gatorade Duels were on February 17th.