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The president of Florida is the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

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Q: Who is the president of Florida?
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Who is the vice president of Florida?

The Florida State government has no provision for vice president. Our U.S. Constitution provides for a Vice President and the incumbent is now "Joe" Biden, Jr. He also is the President of the U.S. Senate and becomes the new President of the United States upon the death, resignation, or removal of the president. The Florida Constitution provides for a Lieutenant Governor who becomes the governor upon the death, impeachment trial, or incapacity of the governor. The incumbent is now Jeff Kottkamp. He is not President of the Florida Senate. There is a President of the Florida Senate, Senator Jeff Atwater.

Has there ever been a president that was born in Florida?


Where was president when attacks on September 11 took place?

In a school in Florida.

Who was president of the US when Florida became a state?

The state of Florida was never purchased by the U.S. It was traded back and forth between nations by a series of treaties and by the U.S. Revolutionary War against Great Britain.In 1763 Spain traded Florida to Great Britain in return for Cuba. Great Britain divided the territory into East Florida and West Florida, which extended all the way to the Mississippi River and north far into Mississippi and Alabama. In 1784, the Treaty of Paris ending the U.S. Revolutionary War returned Florida to Spain, but without describing any boundaries.In 1795, during George Washington's presidency, the Treaty of San Lorenzo set the northern boundary of Florida at the 31st parallel. In 1810, President James Madison claimed West Florida as part of the Louisiana Purchase made by President Thomas Jefferson.In 1819 during the James Monroe presidency, the Adams-Onis Treaty was signed which gave the U.S. possession of Florida beginning in 1821. Florida became an official U.S. Territory in 1822, and became the State of Florida in 1845 at the beginning of James K Polk's presidency.

How are Florida government Cabinet members selected?

State government doesn’t have a cabinet. Only the president has one.

Related questions

Who was one of Florida's first president?

President Tyler was Florida's first president. He was elected after the Indian war.

Who is the president for Florida?

No native of Florida has ever been President, but Andrew Jackson had been Governor of Florida when it was a Territory.

When was President's House - University of Florida - created?

President's House - University of Florida - was created in 1953.

Who was the president when Spain surrenders Florida to United States?

Monroe was the president when Spain ceded Florida to the US.

Which president faced the spain ceded florida in 1819?

James Monroe was President in 1819 when Spain ceded Florida.

Who is Florida's president?


Who is the vice president of Florida?

The Florida State government has no provision for vice president. Our U.S. Constitution provides for a Vice President and the incumbent is now "Joe" Biden, Jr. He also is the President of the U.S. Senate and becomes the new President of the United States upon the death, resignation, or removal of the president. The Florida Constitution provides for a Lieutenant Governor who becomes the governor upon the death, impeachment trial, or incapacity of the governor. The incumbent is now Jeff Kottkamp. He is not President of the Florida Senate. There is a President of the Florida Senate, Senator Jeff Atwater.

Who is the Current president of the University of South Florida?

Judy Lynn Genshaft is the current president of the University of South Florida and has been the president of this university since 2000.

What President elected from Florida?


What vice president was born in Florida?

Florida has been neither the birth state nor the home state of any U. S. President or Vice President to date (2012).

Is there any USpresidents that came from Florida?

The answer to ARE there any presidents from Florida is no. Some presidents have had houses in Florida (Kennedy, Nixon) but no president has been from Florida.

When did Florida become Florida?

President Tyler signed the bill admitting Florida as a state on March 3, 1845 after the Indian War.