The speaker of the house
Improved Answer - Speaker of the House is the next person in line for the Presidency outside the Executive Branch, but not necessarily the second most powerful person in DC. The President's (White House) Chief of Staff would be the second most powerful person in Washington DC.
The president of the Second Continental Congress was Peyton Randolph.George Washington
The second person to be US President was John Adams in 1797. The second person to be Vice President was Thomas Jefferson.
That was George Washington's second inaugural speech in 1793. Click on the "Second George Washington Inaugural Speech" link below to read it. George Washington's 2nd inaugural address was the shortest in history.
Same as the president. The president has the right to change who the person is in the second term.
The second youngest elected president was Theodore Roosevelt. He was 42 years old (the youngest president) when he assumed office after the death of William McKinley. However, when he was elected (voted in by the citizens) he was 45 years old. JFK was the youngest elected president, he was 43 years old.
John Adams. He was V.P. under Washington and became second U.S. President.
The president of the Second Continental Congress was Peyton Randolph.George Washington
The second person to be US President was John Adams in 1797. The second person to be Vice President was Thomas Jefferson.
John Adams was the second President of the USA after George Washington.
Martha Washington was the first president in the USA and George Washington was her second husband!
Washington began his second term on March 4, 1793.
G Washington
The White House Chief of Staff is the highest ranking member of the Executive Office of the President of the United States and a senior aide to the President. The Chief of Staff is often nicknamed 'The Second Most Powerful Man in Washington' because of the influence and access to the President
George Washington was the first President. John Adams was the second President.
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, around this time George Washington was President and Thomas Jefferson was gonna be the second President.