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Dmitry Donskoy (1350-1389) was the Russian prince who defended Moscow against the Tatars in 1378, who nonetheless re-established their rule over Russia during his reign. It took another century, until 1480, for Muscovy to break the hold of the Mongols, doing so under the rule of Ivan III (father of Ivan the Terrible).

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Q: Who led the Mongols to Russia and conquered Kiev?
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What led to the red scare?

A revolution in Russia

True or false the red scare of 1919-1920 led the us government to threaten military assault on the Communist government of Russia?


In addition to nationalism which other factors led to world war i?

Besides nationalism, there were a few other things that caused World War I. European countries made mutual defense agreements, meaning that if one country was attacked, other countries would have to come to its rescue. Other causes include imperialism, militarism, and the assassination of Austria's archduke Franz Ferdinand.

What are facts about Russia before 1917?

Russia before 1917 was at times a vast nation that covered the area between the Pacific Ocean and the Baltic Sea. many peoples other than Russians lived there. The history of Russia is fascinating. Important facts about it make for an amazing history. Historians begin the history of what the world now calls the Russian Federation in the 13th century. By the middle of that century, forces of the Mongol empire invade Russia and destroy its major cities. In that time period, a people known as Tartars establish the Golden empire in Southern Russia. From that point on the Russia most familiar to laymen begin to gauge and see the history of a more modern Russia. Therefore the next phase of Russian facts can be summarized by the following: * By the middle of the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible, conquers the Tartars, and established a kingdom of Russia; * At the end of the 16th century, Siberia is invaded by Cossacks; * At the beginning of the 17th century, a familiar historic name comes into play, the Romanov family; * In 1613, a group of Nobles confers the title of Tsar upon Michael Romanov. His family is to rule Russia to 1917; * During the years between the late 17th century and the early part of 18th century, Peter the Great begins a reformation in order to model Russia in line with the Western European Powers; * Between 1772 and 1814, Russian armies acquire the well known Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus among other areas such as part of Poland; * During this approximate time period, Russia becomes involved with the Western European wars with Napoleonic France; * Napoleon's invasion of Russia is repulsed in 1812; * At the time of the beginning of the US Civil War, Russia ends serfdom and a period of modernization begins; * Near the end of the 19th century Russia has a war with Turkey; * In the first few years of the 20th century Japan defeats Russia in the Russo -Japanese War; * Russia enters WW I in 1914 on the side of the Allies led by Great Britain and France; and * In 1917, the Tsar is overthrown by a provisional government, then however, this regime is overthrown by the Bolsheviks ( Communists ) and as per a deal with Germany, Russia pulls out of WWI.

Governmental reforms and liberalism have led to?

Governmental reforms and liberalism have led to

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Led the Mongols into Russia and conquered Kiev.?

Batu Khan

What led the Mongols into Russian and conquered Kiev?

Batu khan

Who led the mongols into russia and conquered kieve?

Batu Khan

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The mongols were known as the Golden Horde

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The Mongols basically centralized the government, by having the princes pay tributes to the Mongol khan of the Golden Horde, Batu Khan. Also, Moscow flourished as a seat of the Russian Orthodox Church, and as an entity that conquered neighbouring areas and collected tribute for the Mongols.

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