Berserks were Norse warriors who wore coats of bear skin called bear-sark and who were commonly understood to have fought in an uncontrollable rage or trance of fury
Berserkers (or berserks) were a cult of Norse (Viking) warriors who worked themselves into a blood rage before battle so that they would be unstoppable. This is the origin of 'going berserk".
Berserks went into a battle rage so profound that they could kill people with their bare hands, and wouldn't feel pain. A killing blow would be required to put them down.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern B----RK-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter B and 6th letter R and 7th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: baidarka berserks bulwarks
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern B-R---K-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter R and 7th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: barnlike barracks berserks birdlike burdocks burlesks
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern B--SE-K-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter B and 4th letter S and 5th letter E and 7th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: berserks
Beserks-not a specific warrior, but the definition of a Beserk is: In old-Norse sagas, they were warriors who dressed themselves in bear skins, to make use of the fear common people had for wild animals. They whipped themselves up to a sort of battle frenzy, biting their shields and howling like animals. They were ferocious fighters and seemingly insensitive to pain while this madness lasted; berserks made formidable enemies. In their rage they even attacked the boulders and trees of the forest; it was not uncommon that they killed their own people. I know it is a long definition, but it is correct.
In "How to Train Your Dragon" book series by Cressida Cowell, the eighth book is titled "How to Break a Dragon's Heart." In this book, Hiccup faces various challenges as he tries to save both humans and dragons. The story delves deeper into the bond between dragons and Vikings, while exploring themes of bravery and friendship.
Beserks-not a specific warrior, but the definition of a Beserk is: In old-Norse sagas, they were warriors who dressed themselves in bear skins, to make use of the fear common people had for wild animals. They whipped themselves up to a sort of battle frenzy, biting their shields and howling like animals. They were ferocious fighters and seemingly insensitive to pain while this madness lasted; berserks made formidable enemies. In their rage they even attacked the boulders and trees of the forest; it was not uncommon that they killed their own people. I know it is a long definition, but it is correct.
aardvark, aardwolf, abrachia, abradant, abraders, abrading, abrasion, abrasive, abreacts, abridged, abridger, abridges, abrogate, abrosias, abrupter, abruptly, acrasias, acrasins, acreages, acridest, acridine, acridity, acrimony, acrobats, acrodont, acrogens, acrolein, acrolith, acromial, acromion, acronyms, acrosome, acrostic, acrotism, acrylate, acrylics, adrenals, adroiter, adroitly, aerating, aeration, aerators, aerially, aerified, aerifies, aeriform, aerobats, aerobics, aerobium, aeroduct, aerodyne, aerofoil, aerogels, aerogram, aerolite, aerolith, aerology, aeronaut, aeronomy, aerosats, aerosols, aerostat, agraffes, agraphia, agraphic, agrarian, agreeing, agrestal, agrestic, agrimony, agrology, agronomy, agrypnia, airboats, airborne, airbound, airbrush, airburst, airbuses, aircheck, aircoach, aircraft, aircrews, airdates, airdrome, airdrops, airfares, airfield, airflows, airfoils, airframe, airglows, airheads, airiness, airlifts, airliner, airlines, airmails, airparks, airplane, airplays, airports, airposts, airproof, airscape, airscrew, airsheds, airships, airshots, airshows, airspace, airspeed, airstrip, airthing, airtight, airtimes, airwaves, airwoman, airwomen, amreetas, aoristic, apractic, apraxias, apricots, aproning, arraigns, arranged, arranger, arranges, arrantly, arrayals, arrayers, arraying, arrested, arrestee, arrester, arrestor, arrhizal, arrivals, arrivers, arriving, arrogant, arrogate, arrowing, atrazine, atremble, atresias, atrocity, atrophia, atrophic, atropine, atropins, atropism, aurality, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, barathea, barbaric, barbasco, barbecue, barbells, barbeque, barbered, barberry, barbette, barbican, barbicel, barbital, barbless, barbules, barbwire, barchans, bareback, bareboat, barefoot, barehand, barehead, bareness, baresark, barflies, bargains, bargello, bargeman, bargemen, barghest, barguest, barillas, baristas, baritone, barkeeps, barkiest, barkless, barleduc, barmaids, barmiest, barnacle, barniest, barnlike, barnyard, barogram, baronage, baroness, baronets, baronial, baronies, baronnes, baroques, barosaur, barouche, barrable, barracks, barraged, barrages, barranca, barranco, barrater, barrator, barratry, barreled, barrener, barrenly, barretor, barretry, barrette, barriers, barrooms, barstool, bartends, bartered, barterer, bartisan, bartizan, barwares, baryonic, barytone, barytons, beraking, berascal, berating, berberin, berceuse, berdache, bereaved, bereaver, bereaves, berettas, bergamot, bergeres, berhymed, berhymes, beriberi, berimbau, beriming, beringed, berlines, bermudas, bernicle, berouged, berretta, berrying, berseems, berserks, berthing, beryline, biracial, biradial, biramose, biramous, birching, birdbath, birdcage, birdcall, birddogs, birdfarm, birdfeed, birdings, birdlife, birdlike, birdlime, birdseed, birdseye, birdshot, birettas, birianis, birlings, birretta, birrotch, birthday, birthing, biryanis, boracite, borating, bordeaux, bordello, bordered, borderer, bordures, boreases, borecole, boredoms, borehole, boresome, boringly, borneols, bornites, bornitic, boroughs, borrelia, borrowed, borrower, borsches, borschts, borstals, burblers, burblier, burbling, burdened, burdener, burdocks, burettes, burgages, burgeons, burghers, burglars, burglary, burgling, burgonet, burgouts, burgrave, burgundy, burkites, burlesks, burliest, burnable, burnings, burnoose, burnouts, burriest, burritos, burrowed, burrower, burseeds, bursitis, bursters, bursting, burstone, burthens, burweeds, carabaos, carabids, carabine, carabins, caracals, caracara, caracole, caracols, caraculs, caragana, carageen, caramels, carangid, carapace, carassow, caravans, caravels, caraways, carbamic, carbamyl, carbarns, carbaryl, carbides, carbines, carbinol, carbolic, carbonic, carbonyl, carboras, carboxyl, carboyed, carburet, carcajou, carcanet, carcases, carceral, cardamom, cardamon, cardamum, cardcase, cardiacs, cardigan, cardinal, cardings, cardioid, carditic, carditis, cardoons, careened, careener, careered, careerer, carefree, careless, caressed, caresser, caresses, caretake, caretook, careworn, carfares, caribous, carillon, carinate, cariocas, carioles, carjacks, carlines, carlings, carloads, carmaker, carmines, carnages, carnally, carnauba, carnival, caroches, carolers, caroling, carolled, caroller, caroming, carotene, carotids, carotins, carousal, caroused, carousel, carouser, carouses, carpalia, carpeted, carpings, carpools, carports, carracks, carrells, carriage, carriers, carriole, carrions, carritch, carromed, carrotin, carryall, carrying, carryons, carryout, cartable, cartages, cartload, cartoned, cartoons, cartouch, caruncle, carvings, caryatic, caryatid, caryotin, ceramals, ceramics, ceramide, ceramist, cerastes, ceratins, ceratoid, cercaria, cercises, cerebral, cerebric, cerebrum, cerement, ceremony, cereuses, cernuous, cerotype, cerulean, cerumens, cerusite, cervelas, cervelat, cervezas, cervical, cervices, cervixes, chresard, chrismal, chrismon, chrisoms, christen, christie, chromate, chromide, chromier, chroming, chromite, chromium, chromize, chromous, chromyls, chronaxy, chronics, chronons, circlers, circlets, circling, circuits, circuity, circular, circuses, cirriped, coracles, coracoid, corantos, corbeils, corbeled, corbinas, cordages, cordelle, cordials, cordings, cordites, cordless, cordlike, cordobas, cordoned, cordovan, corduroy, cordwain, cordwood, coredeem, coreigns, corelate, coreless, coremium, corkages, corkiest, corklike, corkwood, cormlike, cornball, corncake, corncobs, corncrib, corneous, cornered, cornetcy, cornhusk, corniced, cornices, corniche, cornicle, corniest, cornmeal, cornrows, cornuses, cornuted, cornutos, corodies, corollas, coronach, coronals, coronary, coronels, coroners, coronets, coronoid, corotate, corporal, corpsman, corpsmen, corpuses, corraded, corrades, corrects, corridas, corridor, corrival, corroded, corrodes, corrupts, corsages, corsairs, corselet, corseted, corsetry, corslets, corteges, cortexes, cortical, cortices, cortinas, cortisol, corundum, corvette, corvinas, corybant, corymbed, coryphee, curacaos, curacies, curacoas, curarine, curarize, curassow, curative, curators, curbable, curbings, curbside, curculio, curcumas, curdiest, curdlers, curdling, cureless, curetted, curettes, curlicue, curliest, curlings, curlycue, currachs, curraghs, currants, currency, currents, curricle, curriers, curriery, currying, curseder, cursedly, cursives, curtails, curtains, curtalax, curtness, curtseys, curtsied, curtsies, curvedly, curveted, curviest, daringly, darioles, darkened, darkener, darklier, darkling, darkness, darkroom, darksome, darlings, darndest, darneder, darnings, darshans, dartling, deraigns, derailed, deranged, deranger, deranges, deratted, derelict, deriders, deriding, deringer, derision, derisive, derisory, derivate, derivers, deriving, dermises, dermoids, derogate, derricks, derriere, derrises, directed, directer, directly, director, direness, dirgeful, diriment, dirtiest, dirtying, dorhawks, dorkiest, dormancy, dormered, dormient, dormouse, dornecks, dornicks, dornocks, dorsally, durables, duramens, durances, duration, durative, duresses, durmasts, durndest, durneder, earaches, eardrops, eardrums, earflaps, earldoms, earliest, earlobes, earlocks, earlship, earmarks, earmuffs, earnests, earnings, earphone, earpiece, earplugs, earrings, earshots, earstone, earthier, earthily, earthing, earthman, earthmen, earthnut, earthpea, earthset, earwaxes, earworms, ecraseur, eeriness, egressed, egresses, enraging, enravish, enriched, enricher, enriches, enrobers, enrobing, enrolled, enrollee, enroller, enrooted, errantly, errantry, erratics, errhines, erringly, eurokies, eurokous, europium, eurybath, eurythmy, faradaic, faradays, faradise, faradism, faradize, farceurs, farcical, farewell, farfalle, farinhas, farinose, farmable, farmhand, farmings, farmland, farmyard, farnesol, farolito, farouche, farriers, farriery, farrowed, farthest, farthing, fartleks, feracity, feretory, ferities, fermatas, ferments, fermions, fermiums, ferniest, ferninst, fernless, fernlike, ferocity, ferrates, ferreled, ferreous, ferreted, ferreter, ferriage, ferrites, ferritic, ferritin, ferruled, ferrules, ferrying, ferryman, ferrymen, feruling, fervency, fervidly, fervours, firearms, fireball, firebase, firebird, fireboat, firebomb, firebrat, firebugs, fireclay, firedamp, firedogs, firefang, firehall, fireless, firelock, firepans, firepink, fireplug, fireroom, fireship, fireside, firetrap, firewall, fireweed, firewood, firework, fireworm, firmness, firmware, firriest, foragers, foraging, foramens, foramina, forayers, foraying, forbears, forbidal, forboded, forbodes, forborne, forcedly, forceful, forcible, forcibly, forcipes, fordable, fordless, fordoing, forearms, forebays, forebear, forebode, forebody, foreboom, forecast, foredate, foredeck, foredoes, foredone, foredoom, foreface, forefeel, forefeet, forefelt, forefend, forefoot, foregoer, foregoes, foregone, foreguts, forehand, forehead, forehoof, foreknew, foreknow, forelady, foreland, forelegs, forelimb, forelock, foremast, foremilk, foremost, forename, forenoon, forensic, forepart, forepast, forepaws, forepeak, foreplay, forerank, foreruns, foresaid, foresail, foreseen, foreseer, foresees, foreshow, foreside, foreskin, forestal, forestay, forested, forester, forestry, foretell, foretime, foretold, foretops, forevers, forewarn, forewent, forewing, foreword, foreworn, foreyard, forfeits, forfends, forgings, forgiven, forgiver, forgives, forgoers, forgoing, forjudge, forkball, forkedly, forkfuls, forkiest, forkless, forklift, forklike, forksful, formable, formably, formalin, formally, formants, formates, formerly, formicas, formless, formulae, formulas, fornical, fornices, forrader, forsaken, forsaker, forsakes, forsooth, forspent, forswear, forswore, forsworn, fortieth, fortress, fortuity, fortuned, fortunes, forwards, forzandi, forzando, furanose, furbelow, furcated, furcates, furcraea, furculae, furcular, furculum, furfural, furfuran, furfures, furibund, furlable, furlongs, furlough, furmenty, furnaced, furnaces, furriers, furriery, furriest, furriner, furrings, furrowed, furrower, furthers, furthest, furuncle, furziest, garaging, garbages, garbagey, garbanzo, garblers, garbless, garbling, garboard, garboils, gardened, gardener, gardenia, gardyloo, garganey, garglers, gargling, gargoyle, garigues, garishly, garlands, garlicky, garments, garnered, garoting, garotted, garotter, garottes, garpikes, garreted, garrison, garroted, garroter, garrotes, garrotte, gartered, geranial, geraniol, geranium, gerardia, gerberas, gerbille, gerenuks, germanic, germfree, germiest, germinal, germlike, gerontic, giraffes, girasole, girasols, girdlers, girdling, girlhood, girliest, girolles, girosols, girthing, gorbelly, gorblimy, gorcocks, gorditas, gorgedly, gorgeous, gorgerin, gorgeted, gorillas, goriness, gormands, gormless, gorsiest, gurglets, gurgling, gurnards, guruship, gyrating, gyration, gyrators, gyratory, gyroidal, gyrostat, harangue, harassed, harasser, harasses, harbored, harborer, harbours, hardback, hardball, hardboot, hardcase, hardcore, hardedge, hardened, hardener, hardhack, hardhats, hardhead, hardiest, hardline, hardness, hardnose, hardpack, hardpans, hardship, hardtack, hardtops, hardware, hardwire, hardwood, harebell, harelike, harelips, harianas, haricots, harijans, harissas, harkened, harkener, harlotry, harmines, harmless, harmonic, harpings, harpists, harpoons, harridan, harriers, harrowed, harrower, harrumph, harrying, harshens, harshest, harslets, harumphs, haruspex, harvests, heralded, heraldic, heraldry, herbaged, herbages, herbaria, herbiest, herbless, herblike, hercules, herdlike, herdsman, herdsmen, hereaway, heredity, hereinto, heresies, heretics, heretrix, hereunto, hereupon, herewith, heritage, heritors, heritrix, hermaean, hermetic, hermitic, hermitry, herniate, heroical, heroines, heroisms, heroized, heroizes, herpeses, herpetic, herrings, herrying, hiragana, hireable, hireling, hirpling, hirseled, hirsling, hirudins, hordeins, hordeola, horizons, hormonal, hormones, hormonic, hornbeam, hornbill, hornbook, hornfels, horniest, hornings, hornists, hornitos, hornless, hornlike, hornpipe, hornpout, horntail, hornworm, hornwort, horologe, horology, horrible, horribly, horrider, horridly, horrific, horsecar, horsefly, horseman, horsemen, horsepox, horsiest, hurdlers, hurdling, hurlings, hurrahed, hurrayed, hurriers, hurrying, hurtless, hurtling, hyracoid, inrushes, irrigate, irritant, irritate, irrupted, jargoned, jargonel, jargoons, jarldoms, jarosite, jarovize, jeremiad, jerkiest, jeroboam, jerreeds, jerrican, jerrycan, jerseyed, jurassic, juratory, juristic, juryless, karakuls, karosses, kartings, karyotin, keramics, keratins, keratoid, keratoma, keratose, kerchief, kermises, kerneled, kernelly, kernites, kerogens, kerosene, kerosine, kerplunk, kerygmas, kirigami, kirsches, kurtoses, kurtosis, larboard, larcener, lardiest, lardlike, lardoons, largando, largesse, lariated, larkiest, larksome, larkspur, larrigan, larrikin, larruped, larruper, laryngal, larynges, larynxes, liriopes, liripipe, lordings, lordless, lordlier, lordlike, lordling, lordomas, lordoses, lordosis, lordotic, lordship, lorgnons, loricate, lorikeet, lorimers, loriners, lornness, lurchers, lurching, lurdanes, luringly, lyrately, lyrebird, lyricise, lyricism, lyricist, lyricize, lyricons, lyriform, marabous, marabout, marantas, marascas, marasmic, marasmus, marathon, marauded, marauder, maravedi, marblers, marblier, marbling, marcatos, marchers, marchesa, marchese, marchesi, marching, margaric, margarin, margents, marginal, margined, margrave, mariachi, marigold, marimbas, marinade, marinara, marinate, mariners, mariposa, marishes, maritime, marjoram, markdown, markedly, marketed, marketer, markhoor, markhors, markings, marksman, marksmen, marliest, marlines, marlings, marlites, marlitic, marmites, marmoset, marooned, marplots, marquees, marquess, marquise, marranos, marriage, marrieds, marriers, marrowed, marrying, marsalas, marshall, marshals, marshier, marsupia, martagon, martello, martians, martinet, martinis, martlets, martyred, martyrly, marveled, maryjane, marzipan, mercapto, merchant, merciful, mercuric, merengue, mergence, meridian, meringue, meristem, meristic, meriting, mermaids, meropias, merriest, miracles, miradors, mirepoix, miriness, mirkiest, mirliton, mirrored, mirthful, morainal, moraines, morainic, moralise, moralism, moralist, morality, moralize, morasses, moratory, morbidly, morbific, morbilli, morceaux, mordancy, mordants, mordents, morelles, morellos, moreness, moreover, moresque, moribund, mornings, moroccos, moronism, moronity, morosely, morosity, morpheme, morphias, morphine, morphing, morphins, morrions, morrises, morseled, mortally, mortared, mortgage, morticed, mortices, mortised, mortiser, mortises, mortmain, mortuary, muraenid, muralist, muralled, murdered, murderee, murderer, muriated, muriates, muricate, murkiest, murmured, murmurer, murphies, murrains, murrelet, murrhine, murthers, myriapod, myriopod, myrmidon, narceine, narceins, narcisms, narcissi, narcists, narcomas, narcoses, narcosis, narcotic, narghile, nargileh, nargiles, narrated, narrater, narrates, narrator, narrowed, narrower, narrowly, narwhale, narwhals, nereides, nerviest, nervines, nervings, nervules, nervures, nirvanas, nirvanic, norlands, normalcy, normally, normless, northern, northers, northing, nursings, nursling, nurtural, nurtured, nurturer, nurtures, oarlocks, oersteds, ogreisms, ogresses, ogrishly, onrushes, orreries, parables, parabola, parachor, paraders, paradigm, parading, paradise, paradors, paradrop, paraffin, parafoil, paraform, paragoge, paragons, parakeet, parakite, parallax, parallel, paralyse, paralyze, parament, paramour, paranoea, paranoia, paranoic, paranoid, parapets, paraquat, paraquet, parasail, parasang, parashah, parashot, parasite, parasols, paravane, parawing, parazoan, parbaked, parbakes, parboils, parceled, parcener, parchesi, parching, parchisi, parclose, pardners, pardoned, pardoner, parecism, pareiras, parental, parented, parergon, paretics, parfaits, parflesh, parfocal, pargeted, pargings, parhelia, parhelic, parietal, parietes, parishes, parities, parkades, parkette, parkings, parkland, parklike, parkways, parlance, parlando, parlante, parlayed, parleyed, parleyer, parlours, parmesan, parodied, parodies, parodist, parolees, paroling, paronyms, paroquet, parosmia, parotids, parotoid, paroxysm, parquets, parridge, parriers, parritch, parroket, parroted, parroter, parrying, parsable, parsleys, parsnips, parsonic, partaken, partaker, partakes, parterre, partials, partible, particle, partiers, partings, partisan, partitas, partizan, partlets, partners, partyers, partying, parvenue, parvenus, parvises, parvolin, peracids, percales, perceive, percents, percepts, perchers, perching, percoids, perdured, perdures, peregrin, pereions, pereopod, perfecta, perfecto, perfects, perforce, performs, perfumed, perfumer, perfumes, perfused, perfuses, pergolas, perianth, periapts, periblem, pericarp, pericope, periderm, peridial, peridium, peridots, perigeal, perigean, perigees, perigons, perigyny, periling, perillas, perilled, perilous, perilune, perineal, perineum, periodic, periodid, periotic, peripety, peripter, periques, perisarc, perished, perishes, periwigs, perjured, perjurer, perjures, perkiest, perlites, perlitic, permeant, permease, permeate, permuted, permutes, peroneal, perorate, peroxide, peroxids, perpends, perpents, persalts, persists, personae, personal, personas, perspire, perspiry, persuade, pertains, pertness, perturbs, perusals, perusers, perusing, pervaded, pervader, pervades, perverse, perverts, pervious, phrasing, phratral, phratric, phreaked, phreaker, phreatic, piracies, piraguas, piranhas, pirarucu, pirating, piriform, pirogies, pirogues, piroques, piroshki, pirozhki, pirozhok, porcinis, porkiest, porkpies, porkwood, porosity, porously, porphyry, porpoise, porridge, portable, portably, portaged, portages, portaled, portance, portapak, portends, portents, porthole, porticos, portiere, portions, portless, portlier, portrait, portrays, portress, portside, purblind, purchase, purebred, pureeing, pureness, purflers, purfling, purgings, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, puritans, purities, purlieus, purlines, purlings, purloins, purplest, purpling, purplish, purports, purposed, purposes, purpuras, purpures, purpuric, purpurin, pursiest, purslane, pursuant, pursuers, pursuing, pursuits, purtiest, purulent, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pyralids, pyramids, pyranoid, pyranose, pyrenoid, pyrexial, pyrexias, pyridine, pyriform, pyritous, pyrogens, pyrology, pyrolyze, pyronine, pyrostat, pyroxene, pyrrhics, pyrroles, pyrrolic, pyruvate, qurushes, rarebits, rarefied, rarefier, rarefies, rareness, rareripe, rarified, rarifies, rarities, reracked, reraised, reraises, rerecord, reremice, reremind, rerented, rerepeat, rereview, rereward, rerising, rerolled, reroller, reroofed, rerouted, reroutes, rorquals, ruralise, ruralism, ruralist, ruralite, rurality, ruralize, saraband, sarcasms, sarcenet, sarcinae, sarcinas, sarcoids, sarcomas, sardanas, sardined, sardines, sardonic, sardonyx, sargasso, sarkiest, sarmenta, sarments, sarodist, sarsenet, sarsnets, sartorii, scrabble, scrabbly, scragged, scraggly, scraichs, scraighs, scramble, scramjet, scrammed, scrannel, scrapers, scrapies, scraping, scrapped, scrapper, scrapple, scratchy, scrawled, scrawler, screaked, screamed, screamer, screechy, screeded, screened, screener, screwers, screwier, screwing, screwups, scribble, scribbly, scribers, scribing, scrieved, scrieves, scrimped, scrimper, scrimpit, scripted, scripter, scriving, scrofula, scrolled, scrooges, scrooped, scrootch, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrubbed, scrubber, scrummed, scrunchy, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, seraglio, seraphic, seraphim, seraphin, serenade, serenata, serenate, serenely, serenest, serenity, serfages, serfdoms, serfhood, serflike, sergeant, sergings, serially, seriated, seriates, seriatim, sericins, seriemas, seriffed, seringas, serjeant, sermonic, serology, serosity, serotine, serotiny, serotype, serovars, serpents, serpigos, serranid, serrated, serrates, serrying, servable, servants, serviced, servicer, services, servings, servitor, shrapnel, shredded, shredder, shrewder, shrewdie, shrewdly, shrewing, shrewish, shrieked, shrieker, shrieval, shrieved, shrieves, shrilled, shriller, shrimped, shrimper, shrining, shrinker, shrivels, shrivers, shriving, shroffed, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, sirenian, sirloins, siroccos, sirupier, siruping, sirvente, skreeghs, skreighs, sorbable, sorbates, sorbents, sorbitol, sorboses, sorcerer, sordidly, sordines, sorehead, soreness, sorghums, soricine, soroches, sororate, sorority, sorption, sorptive, sorriest, sorrowed, sorrower, sortable, sortably, spraddle, sprained, sprattle, sprawled, sprawler, sprayers, spraying, spreader, sprigged, sprigger, sprights, springal, springed, springer, springes, sprinkle, sprinted, sprinter, spritzed, spritzer, spritzes, sprocket, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spryness, straddle, strafers, strafing, straggle, straggly, straight, strained, strainer, straiten, straiter, straitly, stramash, stramony, stranded, strander, stranger, stranges, strangle, strapped, strapper, strasses, strategy, stratify, stratous, stratums, stravage, stravaig, strawhat, strawier, strawing, strayers, straying, streaked, streaker, streamed, streamer, streeked, streeker, strength, stressed, stresses, stressor, stretchy, strettas, strettos, streusel, strewers, strewing, striated, striates, striatum, stricken, strickle, stricter, strictly, stridden, strident, striders, striding, stridors, strigils, strigose, strikers, striking, stringed, stringer, stripers, stripier, striping, stripped, stripper, strivers, striving, strobila, strobile, strobili, strobils, strokers, stroking, strolled, stroller, stromata, stronger, strongly, strongyl, strontia, strontic, strophes, strophic, stropped, stropper, strowing, stroyers, stroying, strucken, strudels, struggle, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, strunted, strutted, strutter, surbased, surbases, surcease, surcoats, surefire, sureness, sureties, surfable, surfaced, surfacer, surfaces, surfbird, surfboat, surfeits, surffish, surfiest, surfings, surflike, surfside, surgeons, surgical, suricate, surliest, surmised, surmiser, surmises, surmount, surnamed, surnamer, surnames, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, surround, surroyal, surtaxed, surtaxes, surtitle, surtouts, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, syrettes, syringas, syringed, syringes, syrinxes, syrphian, syrphids, syrupier, syruping, tarantas, tarboosh, tardiest, tardyons, targeted, tariffed, tarlatan, tarletan, tarnally, tarpaper, tarragon, tarriers, tarriest, tarrying, tarsiers, tartanas, tartaric, tartiest, tartlets, tartness, tartrate, tartufes, tartuffe, tarweeds, terabyte, teraflop, teraohms, teraphim, teratism, teratoid, teratoma, terbiums, tercelet, terebene, tergites, teriyaki, terminal, terminus, termites, termitic, termless, termtime, ternions, terpenes, terpenic, terpinol, terraced, terraces, terrains, terranes, terrapin, terraria, terrases, terrazzo, terreens, terrella, terrenes, terrible, terribly, terriers, terrific, terrines, tertials, tertians, tertiary, terylene, thraldom, thralled, thrashed, thrasher, thrashes, thrawart, thrawing, thrawnly, threaded, threader, threaped, threaper, threated, threaten, threeped, threnode, threnody, threshed, thresher, threshes, thrilled, thriller, thrivers, thriving, throated, throbbed, throbber, thrombin, thrombus, thronged, throning, throstle, throttle, throwers, throwing, thrummed, thrummer, thruputs, thrushes, thrusted, thruster, thrustor, thruways, tiredest, tireless, tiresome, tirrivee, torchere, torchier, torching, torchons, toreador, toreutic, torments, tornadic, tornados, tornillo, toroidal, torosity, torpedos, torpidly, torquate, torquers, torquing, torrents, torrider, torridly, torsades, torsions, tortilla, tortious, tortoise, tortonis, tortuous, tortured, torturer, tortures, turacous, turbaned, turbeths, turbidly, turbinal, turbines, turbiths, turbocar, turbofan, turbojet, turfiest, turfless, turflike, turfskis, turgency, turgidly, turgites, turistas, turmeric, turmoils, turnable, turncoat, turndown, turnhall, turnings, turnkeys, turnoffs, turnouts, turnover, turnpike, turnsole, turnspit, turpeths, turquois, turreted, turrical, turtlers, turtling, tyramine, tyrannic, tyrosine, unraised, unranked, unravels, unreally, unreason, unreeled, unreeler, unreeved, unreeves, unrented, unrepaid, unrepair, unrested, unretire, unrhymed, unribbed, unriddle, unrifled, unrigged, unrinsed, unripely, unripest, unripped, unrobing, unrolled, unroofed, unrooted, unrounds, unrulier, unrushed, unrusted, upraised, upraiser, upraises, upreared, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, uprushed, uprushes, utricles, utriculi, varactor, variable, variably, variance, variants, variated, variates, varicose, variedly, varietal, variform, variolar, variolas, varioles, variorum, varistor, varletry, varments, varmints, varnishy, varoomed, veracity, verandah, verandas, veratria, veratrin, veratrum, verbally, verbatim, verbenas, verbiage, verbiles, verbless, verboten, verdancy, verderer, verderor, verdicts, verditer, verdured, verdures, verecund, vergence, verified, verifier, verifies, verismos, veristic, verities, verjuice, vermeils, vermoulu, vermouth, vermuths, vernacle, vernally, vernicle, verniers, vernixes, veronica, verrucae, verrucas, versants, verseman, versemen, versicle, versines, versions, vertebra, vertexes, vertical, vertices, verticil, vertigos, vervains, viragoes, virelais, virelays, viremias, virgates, virginal, virgules, viricide, viridian, viridity, virilely, virilism, virility, virilize, virology, virtuosa, virtuose, virtuosi, virtuoso, virtuous, virucide, virulent, virusoid, voracity, vorlages, vortexes, vortical, vortices, warblers, warbling, warcraft, wardenry, wardless, wardress, wardrobe, wardroom, wardship, wareroom, warfares, warfarin, warheads, warhorse, wariness, warisons, warlocks, warlords, warmaker, warmness, warmouth, warnings, warpages, warpaths, warplane, warpower, warpwise, warragal, warrants, warranty, warrener, warrigal, warriors, warships, warslers, warsling, warstled, warstler, warstles, warthogs, wartiest, wartimes, wartless, wartlike, warworks, weregild, werewolf, wergelds, wergelts, wergilds, wiredraw, wiredrew, wirehair, wireless, wirelike, wiretaps, wireways, wirework, wireworm, wiriness, wordages, wordbook, wordiest, wordings, wordless, wordplay, workable, workably, workaday, workbags, workboat, workbook, workdays, workfare, workflow, workfolk, workhour, workings, workless, workload, workmate, workouts, workroom, workshop, workweek, wormgear, wormhole, wormiest, wormlike, wormroot, wormseed, wormwood, wornness, worriers, worrited, worrying, worsened, worships, worsteds, worsting, worthful, worthier, worthies, worthily, worthing, wurtzite, xerosere, yardages, yardarms, yardbird, yardland, yardwand, yardwork, yarmelke, yarmulke, zaratite, zareebas, zarzuela, zircaloy, zirconia, zirconic, zorillas, zorilles, zorillos2749 words