Cerebus Capital Management is a publicly traded company. Despite rumors, George Soros is not an officer of the company.
The United Kingdom owns Turks and Caicos Islands.
Conocophillipps oil in Houston Tx
TTI Floor Care North America
the states rights is a right the state owns
George Soros
cerberus capital management
Chrysler owns Dodge and Chrysler is owned by Cerberus Capital Management (a private equity firm).
Probably Cerberus Capital Investments (which owns Remington, Bushmaster, and DPMS)
As of 2013, Albertsons is now owned by Cerberus Capital Management.
Chrysler LLC. Chrysler was bought by Cerberus Capital Management. They own 80.1% and Fiat owns 19.9%.
Cerberus Capital Management Betcha can't guess who owns them
Cerberus Capital Management's ticker symbol is private. In 2007, Cerberus Capital Management purchased 80-percent of Chrysler from Daimler. The company owns the bus-maker, Blue Bird, and the gun-maker, Freedom Group.
Its owner, the giant New York private-equity firm Cerberus Capital Management.
Hades himself owns a beast; guard dog named Cerberus. And I am sure The Underworld contains many countless unusual beings.
Zero. They no longer own any of Chrysler. Chrysler was bought by Cerberus Capital Management. They own 80.1% and Fiat owns 19.9%.
Cerberus has one brother, the Hydra