All members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are paid in full by the U.S. Treasury, which ultimately gets its money from the tax payers.
there are more representatives than there are senators. senators=100 (2 per state) representatives=435 (depends on census count)
If you are talking about federal congressmen Illinois has 2 senators and 19 representatives. If you are talking about the Illinois state legislature then Illinois has 118 representatives and 59 senators.
The number of senators is in the Constitution: every state has 2 senators.
this question has not been answered yet so feel free to answer it if you know it
The number of electoral votes are decided by the number of Senators and Representatives in each state. There are two Senators in every state, but the representatives are based on population, so it varies. For example, California has 55 electoral votes, so there must be 53 Representatives and 2 Senators.
the us government and their salary is set by the law
The taxes taken from the populace and revenue from elsewhere which the government accrues.
Senators are elected by the citizens of each state through a direct popular vote. Representatives are also elected by the citizens of each congressional district within a state through a direct popular vote. This process is outlined in the United States Constitution, specifically in Article I, Section 2 for representatives and the 17th Amendment for senators.
2 Senators and 25 Representatives
Senators and Representatives are elected by a
Every state has 2 senators. Representatives are determined by population. There is no limit on representatives. The people vote.
The senators and representatives from the U.S. are from the state that they represent, it's the law!
None. Senators sit in the Senate Congressmen sit in the House of Representatives.
Senators and Representatives work for the U.S. Congress and the people who elect them.
there are more representatives than there are senators. senators=100 (2 per state) representatives=435 (depends on census count)
Representatives or senators
Every state has 2 senators. Representatives are determined by population.