The Congress of Vienna was held in Vienna, Austria.
The main figure directing the activity of the conference was the Austrian Prince Metternich.
Congress of vienna
The Congress of Vienna helped Norway to generate an independence movement. Norway was established as its own country on May 17, 1814.
The Congress of Vienna failed to bring peace to Europe because it might have helped to keep peace between countries external but it couldn't internal.
lieutenant governor
C. Congress of Vienna
Prince Klemens von Metternich
Prince Klemens von Metternich
Prince Klemens von Metternich
. Who presided over the Congress Were first -
it was RUSSIA!
It was the congress of Vienna It was the congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was conservative so they wanted monarchy back
Congress of Vienna
John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.
John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.