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The vice-president of the US normally presides over the senate, including impeachment trials. In the special case that the president is impeached, the Chief Justice of the US presides over the trial.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Under current rules of the US Senate, the Chief Justice would preside over such a rtrial.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Chief Justice

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Q: Who presides over any impeachment trail of the president of the United States?
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Who presides over non-presidential impeachment cases?

The Presiding Officer of the Senate, presides over non-presidential impeachment cases. Generally that is the Vice President of the United States. In his/her absence or if the Vice President has a conflict of interest, then it is the President pro tempore of the Senate. The Senate may also appoint some other Senator to serve as the Presiding Officer. The US Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the United States to preside only in presidential impeachment trials.

What role does the supreme court play in impeachment trials?

The Supreme Court plays no role in impeachment trials. However, in the impeachment trial of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States serves as presiding officer of the Senate since it would be a conflict of interest to have the vice president presiding over a trial at which he would become President if the current President were to be found guilty.

What other position does the vice president also hold?

He is the Vice President of the United States and is the President of the Senate unless there is an impeachment trial, then the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the impeachment trial.

What office holder is the President of the Senate?

Under the US Constitution, the Vice-President of the United States presides at the Senate and is thus the President of the Senate. If the Vice-President is not present, then the President Protempore of the Senate presides. The Majority Leader of the Senate is usually also the President Protem.

What is it called when only the house of representatives has power to bring charges of misbehavior on office against a us official?

Impeachment, which is the Constitutional process whereby the U.S. Congress charges and tries public officials for "high crimes and misdemeanors", and, if convicted, removes them from office. The U.S. House drafts the Articles of Impeachment, and the U.S. Senate tries them, and in the case of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings.Read Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993).

Related questions

When trying the president of the US who presides over the senate?

As prescribed by the United States Constitution, the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court presides over the Senate an impeachment trial of an American President.

Does the vice-president always acts as judge in an impeachment trial?

As President of the Senate, the U.S. Vice President presides over most impeachment trials. However, Article I, Section 3, Clause 6 of the U.S. Constitution specifies that when the President is on trial the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides. And although the Constitution doesn't say, I assume that would also be the case if the Vice President were the defendant in an impeachment trial (an incumbent U.S. Vice President has never been impeached to date).

Who presides over the senate when the president is being tried for impeachment?

The Chief Justice of the United States presides over the Senate trial, when the President has been impeached. If the president is convicted and removed from office, the vice-president would become President.

Is the judge different at the impeachment court if a President is being impeached?

Yes. If the President is being tried for impeachment in the Senate, the Chief Justice of the United States (Supreme Court) presides over his (or her) trial. For all other impeachment trials, a committee presides over the trial, but the President of the Senate (US Vice-President), or someone he or she designates, makes decision about points of procedure.

Who presides over non-presidential impeachment cases?

The Presiding Officer of the Senate, presides over non-presidential impeachment cases. Generally that is the Vice President of the United States. In his/her absence or if the Vice President has a conflict of interest, then it is the President pro tempore of the Senate. The Senate may also appoint some other Senator to serve as the Presiding Officer. The US Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the United States to preside only in presidential impeachment trials.

Who serves as judge at a formal impeachment trial of a president or vice president?

US Senate

What role does the supreme court play in impeachment trials?

The Supreme Court plays no role in impeachment trials. However, in the impeachment trial of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States serves as presiding officer of the Senate since it would be a conflict of interest to have the vice president presiding over a trial at which he would become President if the current President were to be found guilty.

Who acts the judge at the impeachment trial of a president?

The Chief Justice of the United States (Supreme Court) presides over a President's Senateimpeachment trial. This is necessary because the Vice-President, who normally presides over Senate removal trials, has a conflict of interest due to being first in line to assume office if the incumbent President is convicted during the trial.THe Senate members act as the jury and 2/3 must agree to get a conviction.The Vice-President presides over all other impeachment trials, however.

What other position does the vice president also hold?

He is the Vice President of the United States and is the President of the Senate unless there is an impeachment trial, then the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the impeachment trial.

The constitutional officer who presides over the Senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the constitutional officer who presides over the Senate. The president pro tempore presides over the Senate if the VP is unavailable.

Who has the power to do impeachment?

This depends on whom you are talking about impeaching. For the impeachment of a Federal Official such as, but not only the President of the United States. In Federal cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the Official by a simple majority vote of the House. Impeachment does not mean the Official is removed from office. This simply serves as the indictment of the Official. After the impeachment, the Senate of the United States will conduct a trial of the charges against the accused. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial.

Who is the judge in a United States Presidential impeachment proceeding?

The president would be tried by the senate, and the chief justice of the supreme court would be the judge.