The sole purpose of the Secret Service agents are to protect the president. Whoever protects them is irrelevant and quite frankly not needed. People don't plan assassination to kill Secret Service agents, because of how quick people can act. With only 1 (maybe 2) shot, you need to kill the most important figure there, which is usually the president.
The Secret Service protects the President of the United States, as directed by Congress. Protecting the president is one of the key missions of the Secret Service.
The Secret Service protects the White House, the President and his family, and the Vice President and his family
He promises to protect the US Constitution when he is sworn into office.
The vice president of the US is the president of the US senate.
The end of article two section one is important to inauguration day because it contains the oath that the president must take to become president. The Chief Justice of the US is most likely the person who the president states the oath to.
Presidential Oath of Office required to be sworn by every US President."I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of presidential of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States"
the vice president
Its the Law.
To preserve, protect and defend.
He promises to protect the US Constitution when he is sworn into office.
The people who protect the U.S. President, Vice President and their families are called the Secret Service.
President Woodrow Wilson ordered Veracruz occupied in April of 1914, to protect American interests.
president wilson protects the u.s. by helping the u.s. and we can all help the president by doing that.
President Theodore Roosevelt was the first US president to help protect the natural resources and wildlife in the US. He can correctly be called the first president to foster the protection of wildlife and natural resources. This is just one of his many legacies he left to the US when he was the president.
James Monroe
The fifth president of the United States was James Madison. He promulgated the Monroe Doctrine which pledged to protect Latin Americans from foreign influence.
To protect,defend and serve the people and make sure they are at least content if not happy.
The constitution is the highest law of the US; the entire legal and organizational structure of the United States depends upon the constitution. Another way of putting it is, the constitution is the basic agreement by means of which the country of the United States was created. Hence, the highest duty of the President is to defend the constitution. That is what the President is elected to do.
You do not need to protect yourself from a duly elected president. The incumbent is there by the will of your fellow citizens.