If you mean Cleopatra... She killed herself rather than face her persecutions in Rome and the immanent death of her lover Marc Antony. Antony later killed himself upon learning of Cleopatra's death.
Invoking the Cloture Rule. Page 344 in Magruder's AM book.
They wanted independence from England to become their own nation
The 13th amendment put an end to slavery in the United States. This amendment also ended involuntary servitude and was passed in 1865.
Leaders feared increases sectionalism.
Al Quida
Put a ; at the end of each command;
kadungon pandiyan
The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia put an end to the rule of the Tsars but it did not establish a communist government. The communist government was not established until later that year in the October Revolution.
Ivan the great
The Grand Duchy of Moscow.
End of Roman rule in Britain ended in 410.
The designated hitter rule was put in effect in 1973.
Tokugawa rule ended in 1495 BC.
A number of petition were received regarding slavery, but the congress removed them by prolonging the Pinckney solution.
So they will put an end to Ghadafi's rule. When they invade it to go and get Ghadafi. This would be similar to what the U.S. did in Panama in 1989.