In Stargirl, Archie says this to Leo, meaning that Leo (dolphin) is being shunned (tuna net) for going against the norm. So its literal meaning is if you want to be part of the crowd, don't be different than everyone else in the crowd.
The same guy who said, "I'd rather be right than President." OK, probably more than one said that. Henry Clay comes to mind.
Samuel Adams
Alexander Hamilton
Andrew Jackson
The quote "One honest voice is louder than a crowd" is attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, highlighting the power of honesty and integrity even when faced with opposition or dissent.
Sid Post / Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde 2.
The word "louder" is an adverb. It is used to describe the manner in which something is being done, typically in relation to volume or intensity.
Forte means Loud and Piano means soft. with this being said yes, Piano is louder than forte
Pink Floyd in Sorrow
Raising the voice typically involves speaking louder than normal to convey emphasis or urgency, while yelling is speaking loudly in a forceful or aggressive manner. Raising the voice can also be done intentionally to be heard in a noisy environment, while yelling is often a sign of anger or frustration.
No it isn't the same thing, yelling is louder than shouting, shouting is raising your voice quite a bit but yelling is raising your voice to the loudest it can go.
Raising your voice means speaking louder than usual to convey emphasis or urgency, while shouting involves speaking loudly and forcefully, often with anger or aggression. Raising your voice can be done in a controlled manner to express passion or authority, whereas shouting can be perceived as disruptive or confrontational.
She said that not smoking made her voice change, and it was better, but she said she'd rather have a little bit of a bad voice than quit
Louder Than War was created in 2001.
Louder Than the Dragon was created in 2004.