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Q: Who said Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled and that has made all the difference?
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What kind of transport did they use in Britain in 1750?

Roads, for longer than people could remember, were nothing more than dirt tracks that turned to mud in the winter and baked rock hard in the summer. Either way, movement along these 'roads' was difficult and at certain times of the year, practically impossible.By law, every parish had to look after the 'roads' that ran through their area. Men were meant to work for 6 days every year to maintain and repair the roads. However, very few villagers travelled, therefore they were not particularly interested in doing this task especially as it - and roads - seemed to offer them no benefits.But the growth of the Industrial Revolution needed a good transport system and in 1663, Parliament passed what was known as the Turnpike Act. This was originally only used in three counties to see if it worked. The act allowed magistrates in these three counties to charge people for using roads in these counties and the money raised was spent on properly maintaining these roads. The success of this scheme meant that the 1663 Act was the first of hundreds throughout the country.Private companies called Turnpike Trusts were established. The first one was created in 1706. The public was given the opportunity to invest in these companies. The money raised by charging people to use the roads was split between profits for the share holders and the cost of maintaining the roads in the control of the trust. People had to pay what was called a toll to use the roads. Toll gates were established through which people and carriages had to pass before continuing with their journey.Before turnpike trusts, people had been used to using what passed for roads for free. Now, the roads may have been better but many people objected to paying a toll. Some would even jump over the toll gate to avoid paying. To decrease the chance of this happening, spikes (or pikes) were put at the top of the gates - hence the title turnpike trusts.In some parts of the country, the toll gates were so unpopular, that they were destroyed. Parliament passed a law that meant anyone who was caught destroying a turnpike could be executed. Those in power in Parliament were also those who had invested large sums of money in turnpike trusts - hence why the sentence for those who destroyed turnpikes was so savage.Two men are credited with improving the roads of Britain - Thomas Telford and John McAdam.Telford believed in building roads that would last and needed little repair. His roads cost a lot of money and they took a long time to build - but they lasted.McAdam's roads were cheaper as they were not as 'fussy' as Telford's. McAdam's were hard wearing and he believed that the weight of the traffic using his roads would press down the road and make it stronger. As his roads were cheaper, they were more in demand by the turnpike trusts. To this day, McAdam's input into improving our road system, is remembered with his name being 'given' to tarmac.Did the new roads benefit the country ?The new manufacturing class - those who needed an improved transport system to move their finished products around - were pleased as they had most to gain.Those in the cities were less pleased, as turnpikes increased the cost of getting livestock to markets in the cities and the price of transporting them was added to the final cost of the meat. Hence, the cost of living increased and this hit the poorest the most.

What fundamental difference between the two parties made the partisan politics so fiercely contested in the gilded age?

Religion was the main fundamental difference. Republicans stessed stict code of personal morality, whereas Democrats believed in faiths that took less stern views of human weakness and where there was more toleration.

What is the difference between political party and interest group?

The difference is that a political party is part of how a politician is identified and interest groups are groups that focus specifically on certain issues. Depending on the issue interest groups tend to support a political party. For instance the NRA which is for less strict gun control laws associates themselves with the Republican Party. An interest group that is supportive of equal rights for all Americans would associate with the Democrat Party.

How do you describe what a Highwayman is?

A highway man is a bandit or raider who would normally tend to stay in one spot on a frequently traveled road, to raid traveling caravans or people with goods. Highway men are less seen today, due to globalization, but they still do exist. A highway man who does not, at first, appear threatening, can be called a con artist. Highway men can use brute force, pickpocketing, mugging, or trickery to lure unsuspecting folk into giving up their jewelry, money, or food.

What is the difference between branch and department?

branch is subdivision of a company it is a geographical classification while a department is a classification based on activities(goods). a branch activity can be classifiede based on goods

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How can you use diverged in a sentence?

Diverged means to move apart, to separate. Here are some sentences.The river diverged into two streams.Our paths diverged and we grew apart."Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the one less traveled." (from "The Road Not Taken," by Robert Frost)

Please list all the poetic devices and where in the poem they are used in The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost?

"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost uses poetic devices such as metaphor (the roads symbolizing life choices), imagery (descriptions of the two roads), and rhyme scheme (ABAAB). These devices are used throughout the poem to convey the theme of decision-making and reflecting on choices.

What actors and actresses appeared in Roads Less Traveled - 2008?

The cast of Roads Less Traveled - 2008 includes: Tracy Costa as Victoria Stephanie Imperato as Olivia Ernest Mingione as Bill

What attitude of the speaker revealed by choosing the road less traveled by?

The speaker in "The Road Not Taken" has an attitude of indecision when faced with choosing a road. They have regret over past decisions in life and wished they could take both paths but took the road less traveled suggesting an independent spirit.

Which road did the traveler choose in the'' road not taken''?

'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood' this is a metaphor for the authors life, the wood is the authors life. 'Two roads diverged' this is the two paths the author could choose to take in life. 'Bent in the undergrowth' Not being able to see to the end of the paths of conformity or individuality. 'took the one less traveled by' More people choose to conform to others than to stand out and be an Individual. However the author chooses the path less traveled by which is the path to individuality.

What is the difference between a road a street an avenue a way or a drive?

The only real difference between a road, street, avenue, way or drive is where they are located. Streets and avenues are usually found in urban areas and are heavily traveled. Roads, ways and drives are more often found in less populated areas and are less traveled.

What is title of the Robert Frost poems that beginsTwo roads diverged in a woods?

The Road Not Taken (1915)The actual beginning is Two roads diverged in a yellow woods. The following is the entire poem.Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth.Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same.And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

Who said two roads diverged in a wood and you-i took the one less traveled by and that has made has made all the difference?

This line is from the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. It reflects the theme of making choices and how taking the less popular or unconventional path can lead to significant outcomes in one's life.

Which is the binary opposition formula of the road not taken?

The binary opposition in "The Road not Taken" is the two roads. Although the narrator admits that both roads are equally worn, they state that in the future they will tell others that the path they chose was the one less traveled. This sets up a binary opposition of traveled/not traveled.

What two lines of poetry serve to emphasize its theme?

In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, the lines "Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā€” / I took the one less traveled by" serve to emphasize the theme of individualism and making choices that reflect one's true self. These lines highlight the impact of choosing a path different from the norm and how it can define one's journey.

What do you think the two roads and the woods symbolize or represent The road not taken?

The two roads represent choices in life, symbolizing decision-making and the uncertainty that comes with choosing a path. The woods symbolize the unknown, adventure, and the opportunities that may arise from taking a less conventional path.

The Road Not Taken difference between the two roads?

the difference between the two roads ar dat one was less used nd grassy nd d other road was much used than d first one.