When a reporter asked Roosevelt how he felt, he replied, "I feel as strong as a bull moose!"
Theodore Roosevelt ran for president under the Bull Moose Party. This party consisted of people that didnâ??t agree with the Republican party of the time.
breakaway party.
dess nuts
Theodore Roosevelt.
This expression means that you are strong and healthy. A bull moose is an extremely large and strong animal so this is what the expression is referring to.
When a reporter asked Roosevelt how he felt, he replied, "I feel as strong as a bull moose!"
It was nicknamed the bull moose party because Roosevelt said he was a s strong as a bull moose
It was nicknamed the bull moose party because Roosevelt said he was a s strong as a bull moose
The Progressive Party was ..An American Political PartyCreated by Theodore RooseveltNicknamed after the "Bull Moose Party" b/c Roosevelt said he was "as strong as a bull moose"
Mr. Bull Moose he was a very important person for the precidencial cadidate that felt strong and the party progress
Mr. Bull Moose he was a very important person for the precidencial cadidate that felt strong and the party progress
Mr. Bull Moose he was a very important person for the precidencial cadidate that felt strong and the party progress
The question depends on the quantity and strength of the wolves, and the strength and health of the bull moose. Usually, a pack of wolves (5 or more wolves) would attack and kill a young moose or an injured moose that is too weak to fight any longer. Wolves always look for weak animals for them to kill, like an injured moose. Even if the wolves attack a healthy, strong moose, the wolves would win but they would get some members injured. Bull moose can sometimes drive off a pack of wolves if they are large and the wolves were not eager to fight down it. But bull moose can also kill or fend off a pack of wolves if they were strong and healthy enough to do so. Bull moose are pretty aggressive and powerful enough to kill grizzly bears or brown bears, which makes them quite dangerous enough to fight off a pack of wolves. Ten or eleven strong wolves are enough to bring down a healthy, strong rutting bull moose if they avoid the moose's hooves/antlers, and gave painful bites to the hamstrings.
The Bull Moose After Party was created in 2005.
A male moose is called a bull moose.
A male is called a 'bull' and a female a 'cow'