While Bill Clinton was US President, the US Vice President was Tennessee Democrat Al Gore (Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.).
Until he was sworn in as President on Jan. 20, 1989, George H.W. Bush served as Vice President under Ronald Reagan. After he took the oath of office, Dan Quayle became Bush's Vice President for the rest of the year and served a full four-year term.
James Madison was the president of the United States throughout the entirety of the war of 1812. He served as president from 1809-1817.
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson and Ulysses Grant served during the Reconstruction period.
William Henry Harrison served the shortest time in office as President of the United States. He was the 9th President of the U.S., serving from March 4, 1841 until his death on April 4, 1841.
President George W. Bush (served 2001-2009) was in office during the September 11 attacks.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt did Served a total of four times. He died during his fourth term.
Woodrow Wilson served from March 4, 1913 to March 3, 1921.
His office did not have any tems during the one term he served as U.S. President, from March 1825 to March 1829.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had the most wars during his term in office. He served as president during World War II, which involved the United States in conflicts across Europe, the Pacific, and North Africa.
All of them.
Thomas Jefferson served as president of the US during these years.
Woodrow Wilson served from 1913 to 1921 and was in office when the 18th amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919.
He caught pneumonia at his inauguration. He never really served as President since he died one month into office.
The U.S. President that did not have a wife was James Buchanan, and whenever married. He was the 15th American President and served in office from 1857 to 1861.
Gerald Ford is the only person to have served as both vice president and president without ever being elected to either office.