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President elect Barack Obama

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Q: Who the first colored president of the US of America?
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Who is the first president in the US of america?

George Washington

What was the name of the first US President?

George Washington was the first president of the United States of America

Who was first to become President of the US after being a Vice President?

John Adams, America's first Vice President under Washington became the second US President.

Who is the first Black president in the US?

Barack Obama, when he was elected in 2008, became America's first black president.

Who was the first US president to have an inauguration?

George Washington, the first president of the Unites States of America, was the first US president to have an inauguration, and the first to give an inauguration speech. The inauguration was held in New York City which was the first capital.

Was George Bush the very first president of the US?

Not at all. George W. Bush was actually the 43rd president of the United States of America. Our first president was George Washington, one of the founding fathers of America.

Who was the first president?

Dr.Rajendra Prasad was the first President of Independent India from 26 Jan 1950 to 13 May 1962.

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there is a president in america

Who was the first presitent of the confederate states in the US?

The First president of the Confederate States of America was Jefferson Davis

Who is the African American who became the first black president of the US of America?

The current president, Barack Obama is the first US president to have any African heritage. His father was from Kenya, in Africa . (His mother was of European descent )

What is the first president in the us?

Under the Constitution of the United States of America, was George Washington.

Why was the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy as US President significant?

He was the first Catholic president of the United States of America.